Saturday, October 8, 2011


First attempt at blogging from my phone. I took a picture of my inner thigh to show myself that I have to clean up my eating. I've been carrying some extra weight since we were in Italy about six months ago. And I've adjusted to that, but now when I have a heavy few days, it puts my weight at the very top of my usual range, and that shows up in so many ways. Not only do my clothes not fit well, and I feel constantly out of breath when I'm working out, but now sometimes my thighs will chafe on a random weekly eight mile easy run. Ugh!

But I went ahead and tried on my bridesmaid's dress for next weekend and it still fits. Thank goodness. She chose some shoes that are ridiculously high heels (at least for me), but they do make me look taller and my legs look better. I'll take it!

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