Thursday, December 20, 2012

#Reverb12 Day 18: Color

For the month of December, I'm working on doing the daily series of Reverb prompts to help me reflect on the prior year and hope/plan for the upcoming year. If you're interested, join in; I found this to be a very useful exercise when I did it two years ago.

#reverb12 day 18: The colour of you?

What colour best represents the year you had in 2012? And why?

What colour would you like to invite into your life in 2013?

Be as literal or metaphorical, clever or crazy, or just plain off-the-wall with this as you choose! Can't wait to read your responses to this one!

Haha, I posted about eleven months ago contrasting how my Christmas 2011 was both white and blue.  This year is tough.  It's kind of a grey day as I type this, but grey isn't a great color to describe the year.  I would consider blue, simply because "lan" was the one color word I learned and remembered in Chinese.  Of course, the least useful.  We were at a little food stand in Shanghai near the museum and I was ordering a bowl of noodles and this obnoxious French guy was trying to order coffee.  He kept saying "noir" and "black" as if the more times he repeated it, the more likely the employee would be to realize that actually she did speak French or English and had just forgotten... not!  It was hilarious to us, mostly because of his accent, but also because he just seemed to be a $hithead.  But if I'd remembered the word for black, I certainly would have helped him out, just to make him go away. 

For my 2012 color, I'll go with yellow.  Mellow, even-keeled, happy, smooth, cheerful.  This year was very good, peaceful, and not dramatic.  I love it.  There were so many wonderful events, that I never felt like I was hitting a low. 

As for 2013, I'll choose red.  I want to invite power and speed into my training for my fall marathon next year.  But no drama -- work, relationship, health or otherwise. 

But if 2013 turns out to be yellow as well, I'd have no complaint.  2012 really was a very good year for me. 

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