Saturday, February 12, 2011

Life Without Work

The other day, my husband said something about how he wished I could just stop working until after Boston and our trip, and then start back up.  He said I could just train until then.  I'd mentioned to him when other friends are scheduling their own running given our crappy weather lately, and group runs in the early morning are cancelled for ice or snow.  Some have their own businesses and some don't work, which means some people get to run at 8:30 in the morning, or noonish.  That prompted hubby's comment about wishing I could stay home (I showed him the place on the blog where I did my About Me and wrote that I wished I could train full time instead of working).  So we were talking about what each of us would do with our days if we didn't have to work (this was assuming one of worked, not that we'd get to hang out together, that would probably be a very different list since we'd both want to travel together). 

He said:  I'd attend boot camp three days a week (M/W/F), I'd run two days a week (Tu/Th).  I'd also do martial arts 2x /wk, and yoga 2x/wk.  I'd also study Italian daily, including a 1 hour lesson with an instructor who comes to our house to do a private lesson.  And maybe I'd do some wrestling.  That's it. 

I pressed him for more details, since that's pretty much only about 3 hours of activity per day.  He said he'd allow an hour for each meal and would just play the rest of the time.  He'd just want to hang out and have fun.  He said he'd go to the shooting range some, but not on a schedule. 


If I didn't have to work right now, with Boston looming on the horizon, I'd do weights every day (alternating areas I'd work), probably with a trainer.  I'd run 6 days a week, with some two a days, also with a coach.  It would be a very ambitious running program.  I'd also probably do yoga 6 days a week.  I'd add in some biking a couple times a week.  Maybe I'd try to learn to swim.  And then I'd probably spend most of the rest of my time planning meals, cooking, eating and sleeping. 

If I wasn't worried about training for my most-anticipated marathon ever, I'd also like to take Italian lessons daily.  I'd spend lots of time reading.  I love to read, especially history books.  And I'd do lots more cooking.  And at some point, I'd get on top of my two ongoing tasks that I'm not good about doing, but I love having done:  photo organizing and correspondence.

And maybe I'd be more on top of clearing out clutter.  I could catch up on back issues of magazines (finally canceled subscriptions because there was such a backlog).  And I'd sleep enough to get rid of the circles under my eyes that only disappear after 3 straight weeks of vacation, which is rare.  I might work on learning another language, or improving my French.  I'd work on writing my non-fiction book, which I already work on sporadically, but I'm not sure it's something I'd ever seek to have published, so it's not very urgent. 

But my short list of activities:  running, core/weights, yoga, Italian, cooking daily.  And then bursts of tv, reading, researching, photo album creation, and correspondence. 

Maybe I should buy that lottery ticket I've been contemplating for the last year or so...


  1. That all sounds very nice. I am a college student, so I probably have more free time than I will ever have in my life right now.

  2. It's interesting to think about how you'd fill your days if you didn't need to work. I guess I'm lucky in that I get to experience that every so often with school breaks, especially in summer. It is nice, and it always makes me wish I could retire right now.
