Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Defining Moment 2010

I'm participating in Reverb 10 for the month of December. Each day has a new prompt to encourage participants to reflect on 2010 and manifest what’s next in 2011.
December 29 – Defining Moment. Describe a defining moment or series of events that has affected your life this year. (Author: Kathryn Fitzmaurice)
Another kind of repetitive response for me.  I've already posted an official race report that kind of summarized the whole race, but the defining moment for 2010 for me was probably sometime during mile 25 of the Twin Cities Marathon.  At about that point, I realized it was pretty definite that I'd qualify for Boston for the first time in my life.  I'd slowed down over the last 10k, but at some point I realized it was a given, even if I slowed down even more.  By the time I hit mile marker 26, I knew I could just walk to the finish line and I'd make it with time to spare, but of course I ran.  As I mentioned in my race report, there was a huge flag suspended by cranes hanging at mile marker 26 and I thought that was the finish line so I went for it -- only to get close and realize the finish line was still a ways away.  But I knew I had it. 

I've posted before about what the Boston dream was like for me, particularly since I don't think I have any natural speed or running ability.  I started off as a slow runner.  Boston wasn't even a goal b/c it was outside the realm of possibility.  But this year, it became a reality.  Now I just need to run it! 

Even if I were to stop running completely after Boston (or even now I suppose), having qualified is a badge of honor and something I think I will always view as a defining moment in my life.  It seems like there are few moments that have been so important in my life.  My wedding day for sure, probably also the day we got engaged.  Maybe the day I became a vegetarian, but at the time I had no idea how long-standing or important that decision would become.  But even big things like the bar exam didn't really count as a defining moment -- that was 2.5 days of exam, then 3 months of waiting for the results!  Qualifying for Boston was my moment this year, and the realization over the few miles before the finish that it was really going to happen was so exciting. 

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