Monday, August 13, 2018

Key Peeve

I've been meaning to blog since at least early July, when I took this photo, but the app I used to use to move photos from my phone onto the blog does not seem to work.  And then I was at a standstill.

Anyway, this pisses me off to no end:

I mean, how in the world are you supposed to run with those?  It doesn't even come close to fitting in the key pocket of a pair of running shorts. 

And what good is it to have two keys to the same car on a keychain?  Shouldn't rental car companies allow the keys to come off and just impose a $5,000 penalty if you lose a key or something? 


More posting to follow.  Just had to share this. 


  1. LOL! I hated rental car keys!!! I would leave them one top of a tire near the one every checks there...or at least they never did for me...:-)

  2. Ugh, seriously?!? Since I almost never run outside of a home base (whether home or hotel) I don't really think about it (last 'travel run' was 5 years ago) - and even then my running belt was much larger than now, and only 2 keys on the ring (no extra fobs). But that is definitely annoying!

    Nice to see a post :)

  3. that is my least favorite thing about rental cars as well. it makes no sense to have both keys and fobs on the same keyring.
