Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A New Record!

Finally!  We broke an all-time heat record yesterday!  Most number of 100 degree days in a year!  We finally beat 1980 yesterday when we had our 70th day at 100 or higher in 2011.  And maybe we'll hit day number 71 today.  But then it's supposed to cool down. 

I'm happy to have the all-time record to prove that this summer really has been warm.  And incidentally, yesterday was an all-time high for the day.  Now all those long-time Dallas residents who talk about how bad the summer of 1980 was can just suck it.  This summer is worse.  Or hopefully WAS worse.  Hopefully now that we have the record, things will get back to normal. 

Maybe this is why my heart-rate has been so high lately while I've been running.  That sounds like a better explanation than the fact that I've been completely slacking off at boot camp, trying to let my calf heal, and I think the bachelorette party food and drink has added some extra pounds, again, making my heart have to work harder to pump the blood.  It's just all-around brutal for me lately.  Feeling out of shape, and the heat the doesn't help at all. 

Two months to race day now, so hopefully plenty of time to get healed up and then kick some butt.

BTW, I'm doing the 10k big race this weekend instead of the smaller 5k.  I realized there was no chance for a 5k PR, so I might as well do a longer easy run.  Because there's also no shot at a 10k PR, though for me, my 10k time has a lot more room for improvement than my 5k time does. 


  1. it is so much harder to run when it's warm. no doubt about it. and it sounds downright HOT in dallas.

  2. I have no idea how you run in that heat. We're supposed to be getting some cooler weather (60s) starting Friday and I can't wait to go out for a run!!! Hope you guys cool down a bit too
