Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Running Hungry

This almost never happens to me, but I was starving this morning while running.  It was crazy.  I got home and was glad my husband was home because I was concerned I was going to actually pass out.

I'm so used to eating the same thing when I wake up, and I'm lucky that my stomach tolerates it well enough that I can eat on my way out the door or on my short drive and the fuel is there for me right away and I'm ready to run or work out.

Last night I worked kind of late, got home around 8 and ate a quick dinner consisting of two veggie burger patties on a bun (plus of course cheese, pickles and ketchup, my burger toppings of choice).  Then for dessert we were out of honey so I couldn't eat my usual greek yogurt, so instead I just had a bowl of cereal with fruit.  Probably a little light on my usual calories, but I was in a hurry to watch the Bachelor with our neighbor who was coming over.

Lately I haven't been running home on Wed mornings after camp because Joy is in school and it's just not as much fun without her.  Plus, it's been easy to get in evening miles on Wednesdays now at the social run. 

But this week is spring break, so we planned to run. 

I got up and had my usual granola bar on my way to boot camp.  Class was fine.  A little more running than usual, about 2.7 miles or so.  And then we started running on the trail.  We usually run about 1.5 together, then she u-turns and I continue on my way home.

Right after she u-turned, it hit me hard.  I was starving.  I was seriously considering asking random strangers on the trail if they had anything to eat or if they could call my husband to come pick me up. 

I slowed down (though part of me thought the smart move would be to hurry up and get home), and eventually made it home and upstairs where I decided to drink some water and lay on the floor.  Everything around me was spinning.  It was so bizarre.  Hubby gave me a gu and another bottle of water, which I got in me and started feeling better withing maybe 10 minutes.

I've certainly been hungry sometimes on runs before, but it's usually only on a Sunday and it's never really a big deal.  I've never experienced anything quite like this before.  And hopefully I won't again! 

I'll probably start doing my Wed. runs home from camp again pretty regularly now.  It's warmer and the social runs are about to move to 6:00, which is just too early for me to leave work.  And maybe now I'll eat a gu before I run or another granola bar or something. 

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