Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Nothing to Report

Just don't have much to write about, and haven't for a few days.

Work is work.  I've felt completely buried for the last couple weeks, and that's kind of a beat-down.  But as of yesterday, things are a bit more under control.  I have two major headache cases to work on today, but if I could actually make progress on them (as opposed to getting derailed on some emergencies...), I'd be thrilled.

I'm stoked for vacation next week, though it's not really vacation.  We're going to visit our best friends (separately, first going to see his best friend for a couple days, then mine for a couple days) for Mardi Gras.  But I'm not taking vacation, so I'm going to be working during the day each weekday.  In some ways, that will work out very well.  First, hopefully, I can work on a few long-standing projects without distraction and really make some major headway.  Second, since during the week we'll be seeing hubby's buddy, it will give them some time together.  I am assuming his wife will be working too.  I've only met her once before and she was very distracted that week (they had a friend of hers in town and he didn't speak more than about a dozen words of English and was very demanding, so she was translating and explaining constantly).  It'll be nice to get to hang out with her more.  But I have to get a lot of work done too!

Part of my blah or quiet feeling may be this weekend, looming large on my radar.

Saturday is going to be almost wholly consumed walking.  I am going to attempt to walk 27 miles, the longest amount of time on my feet in my entire life probably -- even counting days in Europe or something where I tend to walk almost constantly.  I am planning to start at 6 a.m. and I won't be done until about 3, maybe later.  Yikes!  I'm nervous about what to eat and when, and I'm still trying to nail down the schedule with friends so I won't be walking alone.

Sunday is going to be a group run for 8 miles if my feet survive the day Saturday.  But after the run, life is going to suck.  I have to find a dress for Mardi Gras.  I have two possibilities (one worn before), but I'm not even sure either will fit.  I need to try them on this morning (remember what I said Monday about procrastinating on tasks I don't like??), but I have a feeling I'm going to be stuck shopping on Sunday.  Ugh.  And then packing so I'm ready to go.  I want to finish the packing on Sunday so that Monday night I can watch the Bachelor, and Tuesday night we can do whatever we decide to do for Valentine's Day.

And did I mention that last week Wed night at the social run I found out that one of my favorite occasional running buddies is moving away at the end of Feb?  It stinks.  He's a fun guy, always game for a run followed by a beer.  My husband jokes that this guy only runs alone or with beautiful women, never with guys, which is a funny observation.  So I told him I'd cancel my plans for tonight so we could run together again, then our last run will be 2 weeks from now -- since we're on vacation next week.  I hate when people I like move away, even if they're pursuing great opportunities.  And he's moving somewhere I'm not inclined to visit, and I already have a cousin there, so it's not like it's a bonus free place to stay.  Sigh.  Life keeps going, I'll make new running friends, sigh...

So that's a whole lot of nothing exciting in my world!

1 comment:

  1. 27 miles of walking followed by 8 miles of running the next day? That's hardcore! :)
