My biggest complaint at home lately is that there are a bunch of pigeons who spend the night on our porch (primarily our neighbors' porches actually). And of course they crap all over.
On nights I'm home, when it's getting dark and they're settling in, I try to go out on the porch and scare them off -- throwing ice cubes in their direction if necessary. One of my running buddies said that her dad throws ice cubes at them, and it struck me as a great idea. That way if I throw one to scare pigeons off my neighbor's porch, it doesn't leave any residue (like a pebble, which was my original tactic).
Anyway, my husband says we should just go back to Dubai and go to a falconry school and bring back a pet falcon.
But we had this bird visiting a month ago and that did the trick for a short period of time.
I think the pet Falcon idea sounds way cooler than throwing ice cubes - LOL!!!