Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Beer Mile Record and Travel Talk Tuesday

First, a fun video regarding a new Beer Mile record -- very impressive since I can't run a sub-5 (or probably a sub-6) even without beer.  Since I've recorded my initial beer mile victory and about defending my title here, and since I've loved this event since I first read about it on Amy's blog, I had to share this video.


(Warning, the video is almost 10 minutes long, don't worry, no vomit.)

And now, since it's Tuesday (though this will be short)...

Rules for TTT - please take a moment to answer this week’s questions on your own blog then add your link in the comments section for this post at Without a License so we can all see your answers! Please invite your readers to link back to their post on this post too so we can see everyone's answers and connect with other bloggers! (Remember to add the TTT graphic above and these rules to your post as well!) Today's Topic: College!!
1) Where did you go to college (or are you still in college) and when did you graduate?
2) What did you major in?
3) Did you participate in any studying abroad program?
4) Do you often go back to visit your college campus?
5) Is there something that your campus is known for?

Today's Topic: College!

1) Where did you go to college (or are you still in college) and when did you graduate?
I went to school in DC and graduated nearly 20 years ago, wow!

2) What did you major in? I majored in Law and Society, which was a mix of pre-law type stuff and sociology.  I didn't know before or during college that a law-related major is not necessary or even particularly helpful for law school, which was my eventual destination.  It was what interested me, but in reality, I wish I'd majored in history, which also interested me and would have gotten me into law school just as easily.

3) Did you participate in any studying abroad program?Yes, I spent the spring of my junior year studying in Rome, and then I spent some time afterward in Italy, and then backpacking around Europe -- I went to a total of 19 countries in those months!

4) Do you often go back to visit your college campus?Not really.  Probably about 4 times?  I don't even go back to campus every time I'm in DC.

5) Is there something that your campus is known for?
Not really.  Large building on campus was named after a Saudi arms dealer when I attended, but they planted some bushes in front of the sign so it was not quite so obvious (but then he defaulted on a payment after I left and it was renamed).  Decent international presence at the school, particularly wealthy and from the Middle East, crown princes, princesses, etc. 


  1. thats so interesting that ur buildings on campus were named after wealthy middle easterns. it makes sense since it's dc i guess...haha

  2. Ugh the beer mile ... my husband's cross country team used to do it in college, and I've never seen so much vomit in one place! Ha! Your time is pretty awesome, though - you would have beaten my husband for sure (he never got the hang of it!), but some of the guys on his team would have kicked your butt :).

  3. I wouldn’t mind finding a beer mile in Austin, but I’ve looked at the racing websites and haven’t seen one listed.
