Lots to say, but little time to say it.
I need to write about my accounting buddy's 5k experience.
I need to write about my race PR last weekend (and first in my age group!).
I need to write about how irritated I am with Lean Cuisine's pizza packaging.
I need to write about our adventures in China.
I think I still need to write about my marathon last spring (just in case someone needs the info b/c they are considering the race).
I need to write about how today, I had company on my commute this morning and MIGHT have more company on my commute home tonight.
I need to write about the fun sweet recipes I'm planning to make for Easter (so ready to be done with Lent!).
But it seems like there's just not enough time!!!
If I actually posted all of the posts I come up with in my head I would be posting multiple times a day. Instead I'm lucky if I get one post a week up on the blog. There really isn't enough time! Happy Easter!