
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Long days

Yesterday was crazy and I'm going to be dragging today.  I decided to get up and go to boot camp yesterday morning since I wasn't too sore, but I really half-@$$ed it.  Got home and hurried through my morning routine.  And went to work.  Lots of paperwork and stuff.  Finally got to some substantive stuff at about 6 p.m., when I was planning to leave.  Then straight to a law school alumni happy hour where I met up with a friend and met someone new who is at my old firm in my old group and sits on my old floor.  Tons of gossiping and getting scoop and sharing stories with him.  Got home and hubby was already sound asleep and I promptly conked out after a bowl of cereal.  Not a great foundation for today, but we have plans every night this week, it's going to be hectic! 

Today we had 9 miles on the schedule and I ended up around 9.7 -- due to doubling back to run away from a dog that I thought was loose and sounded big (those invisible fences trick me) and getting a little lost. 

Feeling stiff but excited about going to work!  Such a change!!! 

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