
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Balance Sought

I could have guessed that this week was going to be crazy just from looking at my calendar many weeks ago, but adding the job stuff on top of it means that I feel like I'm dragging.  Ugh!

Work is awesome, which is nice, but I'm still dealing with tons of IT issues (like I don't have the requisite level of permission/authority to use the main system I'll need to use!).  But it's the non-work stuff that's killing me.

Monday night it was a law school alumni happy hour.  But because of a lot of trouble shutting off my computer, I was late arriving.  And then I had so much fun talking to people that I stayed pretty late.  Got home with just beer in my stomach, so I ate cereal and fell asleep.

Last night was dinner with a former travel buddy.  Same trouble turning off my work computer (and I literally mean trouble, I hit shut down and it says "logging off" for like 20 minutes until I finally give up and just hold down the power button).  Got home and then hubby and I walked to the restaurant to meet our friend.  A cool tapas place called Sangria.  We met at 7:30, which is already pushing it for me.  Hubby and I usually try to go to bed at 8:30 or so.  Doesn't happen often, but that's the goal usually.  We didn't even get home until about 10, which makes a 5 a.m. wake-up call tough.

I still got up and went to boot camp.  Ran a mile or so before camp since I was early.  Worked out, came home, eating breakfast now.

Tonight is the social run.  Hopefully about 5 miles.  Then dinner with some running friends at the cafe afterward.  And hubby will probably grocery shop while I run and meet me for dinner.

Tomorrow night is another happy hour, immediately followed by our Italian conversation group.

Fri night is up to us.  Then Saturday night wedding, Sunday night running group happy hour/dinner.  Then it's next week!

I'm going to need a down week very, very soon.  I've got some homebody tendencies, and all these nights with plans are wearing on me. 

But all good.  High mileage this week.  22 that I did Sunday.  9.6 yesterday.  3 or so this morning.  5 or so tonight.  10 tomorrow.  A couple Fri.  And something like 8 or so on Saturday.  Feeling stiff, tired, but okay! 

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