
Sunday, February 27, 2011


22 miles on the schedule fo rthis morning, successfully completed! 

Not painless, nor easy, but done.

It was warm and humid.  Probably mid-60s at the start, upper 60s at the finish.  And very sticky.  A little bit of mist/drizzle right before we started, but then that just hung in the air. 

My pace was okay, though my final 2 miles were fairly slow (basically the same pace as mile 1, which is usually my slowest).  But by the time I was at about mile 18, I was very ready to be finished. 

Unfortunately there seemed to be a lot of vehicle traffic over the last few miles, so I also had to run on the slope of the road, which sucked.  And I also ended up running a whole lot of it alone today.  Blah. 

My legs are very achy right now, more than 6 hours after I finished.  The most pain seems to be on the back side of my lower left calf and my right foot -- both the problem toe, the swollen bump/cyst thing, and something new that seems undefined but painful.  And this is all after an ice bath even!

And I ended up with chafing near both my shoulders from the straps of my sports bra.  This doesn't usually happen and it's the same bra, so I don't know what the story was today. 

But after the run and my ice bath, hubby and I went out for Mexican food and I loaded up.  I ate about 3 bowls of chips all by myself, a lot of salsa and about half our order of guac, and I cleaned my plate -- mango salad and I ordered my usual avocado-artichoke enchilada, but I asked that they DOUBLE it so I actually got (and ate) two enchiladas.  Yum! 

Then I went shoe shopping for new shoes for tomorrow (very excited!!).  Got two pairs of black shoes, one casual for travelling and one for work.  But I do not recommend going shoe shopping for work shoes after you've run 22 miles and you have a very tender problem toe.

Got home and threw in some laundry, then went for a 4 mile walk with my local bestie.  Sounds healthy but it wasn't -- our destination was this place that's build-your-own ice cream sandwiches.  You pick the cookie and ice cream flavors.  I felt indecisive so I had two diff cookies (vanilla sugar and white chocolate cranberry) and two diff ice creams (cake batter and blackberry cobbler).  YUM!!!! 

I think with all that food, I put a dent in my 2400 calorie deficit from this morning's run!  Anyway, since I'm unemployed, I'm going to fold some laundry and make a lovely dinner for my sweet hubby.  I'm going with a recent recipe fave -- an orzo/eggplant dish.  And I'm going to make my lunch for tomorrow.  And then hopefully very early to bed (no nap today, which is usually a must for me after anything over about 20 miles), and I've been asking hubby to give me a legitimate serious leg massage for about 15 minutes before bed.  They are tight and they hurt some.  I think tomorrow might be even worse. 

I might skip camp in the morning in favor of sleeping in and getting ready for my big day!  Hope they know I'm not handicapped, even if I'm walking funny...  Feel very nervous but mostly excited! 

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