
Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Day 3? 4?

We got a ton o' snow last night -- they predicted up to 1.5 inches, and we're certainly over 6.  Not a big deal for someone from the great white north, but a huge deal in Dallas.  No plows to clear it, no salt to put down, etc.

So work was closed AGAIN today!  I just didn't have it in me to exercise today.  I was planning to go to boot camp and just do whatever running that included, since today's schedule is 5 optional miles.  But camp was cancelled, hubby was home, and we're having a little dinner party tonight.

Most of the day has been spent napping, cleaning, clearing off the DVR, and cooking.  It's a fairly simple meal since I expected to be working all day today.

For appetizers, we're just having olives, hummus, crackers and some kind of cheese -- hubby is at the store now choosing one.

Then for the meal, we're having a curried carrot squash sooup, and roasted eggplant with orzo.  Both new recipes, so I hope they work.

For dessert, we're having upside-down black forest cakes (individual ones), with whipped cream. 

I burnt the first batch of eggplant I tried to roast.  My worst kitchen habbit is setting the timer for the oven, having it go off, looking in the oven and deciding it needs another few minutes, then not resetting the timer and promptly forgetting about it.  Oops.  So hubby went back to the store to buy a second batch. 

Anyway, I'm about to make the cakes and open the wine so cooking becomes that much more relaxing! 

Such a pretty day.  I'll have to supplement this tomorrow with some snow pictures, and maybe dinner pictures if I remember. 

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