
Thursday, February 3, 2011


Clearly I'm losing it.  I skipped working out completely yesterday after a second day of ice.  The roads are actually okay once you get onto the main thoroughfares, but side streets are still icy.  My hubby did his long run and unfortunately fell toward the end (hopefully just some bruises, his back and elbow are all that hurts).  He also encountered a coyote (which fortunately, like most, was more afraid of him than he was of it).  It's just after 6 a.m. right now and the temp is 17, but not sure of the wind chill.  Insane.

More insanity?  I'm contemplating the dreadmill today.  I have to decide in the next half hour I think.  Since I skipped the run yesterday (8 miles), I really should go today for the 10 on the schedule.  That will put me at close to 40 for the week (again, assuming I follow the rest of the schedule). 

I hate treadmill running.  But I'm getting desperate.  It's really cold, I really need the miles, I'm afraid of aggressive and unleashed dogs, I'm afraid of equally fearful coyotes, I'm afraid of falling and getting hurt. 

Oddly enough, my quads are very sore from my run on Tuesday.  It doesn't make sense -- given the weather and the ice, my pace (and HR) was so much slower than usual.  I guess being on the unsteady surface made me use different muscles in my legs.  But it was something like the soreness I experience there when I go over 20 miles. 

So that's one more thing a treadmill might alleviate.  I need to stop stalling and make a decision.  Either start layering the clothes, or grab shorts and a singlet and some warm-ups and get in the car.  Hmm...

UPDATE at 10 a.m.:  I did it!  Hammered out 10 miles on the dreadmill.  It wasn't fun but didn't completely suck.  Hubby was working out as well, so that was nice.  I had company.  He filled my water bottle a couple times and after I hit mile 5, I could count down my miles to him.  And he turned up the tv really loud, so I'm up to speed on the latest news for Egypt.  Hard to believe that when I posted about 6 months ago about our tentative spring vacation plans, Egypt was completely on our radar screens!  Lucky change of plans.  And actually, our most recent plan has changed more -- I'll have to post about it soon, but my hint is "Invece Lecce."


  1. Good job running 10 miles on the treadmill. I have done that before too and it is torture. Unfortunately I use the treadmill more than I run outside. It is just the way it is right now at this point in my life.

  2. Congrats on the treadmill run :) I like being able to blast my music really loud on the treadmill, because normally I wouldn't do so running on the road (for safety reasons).
