
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tired of This

This weather is getting old very fast.  Not what I signed up for when I agreed to move to Dallas.  Hubby and I both felt stir-crazy (and a tad hung over) this morning, so we set off for downtown so he could go to bootcamp and I could run in the streets there, which I figured would be clearer than the streets in our hood.


I had an easy 6 on the schedule today and I did it, but it was not fun.  Boot camp was in a parking garage that went up 11 levels, so I ran up to the top, down to the bottom, then I'd go outside and run a little, then repeat.  I did a total of 4 sets, not sure of the mileage yet, probably about 6, maybe 6.5.  My garmin kept losing signal in the garage, which I understand, but now the data won't upload, which is irritating.  I sent another email to product support, so we'll see what comes of that. 

Anyway, the roads were slick.  And running on the loose snow felt shaky as well.  My pace (and HR) was crazy slow.  But with the 4 sets, at least I got in the miles.  I didn't fall, I didn't freeze, and I didn't have to suffer through another dreadmill run this week. 

I think we'll do more DVR clearing today, so yet more time parked on the couch.  Ugh.  This is getting very old. 

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