
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Bachelorette Bash

So, I've finally recovered in most senses from the 3-day bachelorette weekend extravaganza in Michigan.  I am so lucky that my two youngest brothers are both getting married this year to women that I think are wonderful.  I've spent a lot more time with one of them (the October wedding) since she and my brother have been dating for close to 10 yrs.  My baby brother is marrying someone he's been dating for about 7 years I think, but this weekend was the first time I got to spend a lot of time with her.  Whereas the other fiancee (October wedding) has been home with us for Christmas many years, I've been around Europe with her, we've road-tripped together, we've been around the US together -- from Seattle and Portland to Upstate New York.  So there's no question I love her.  And I could tell I liked my baby bro's fiancee, I just haven't spent anywhere near that much time with her. 

The bachelorette weekend changed all that.  Both of them were there, I was with them pretty much 24/7, and wow, my brothers have both done so well!  They're great guys.  The baby is seriously insanely sweet and agreeable.  That kind of made me think there was absolutely no chance that anyone he ever married would be good enough for him in my book.  Well, I think he's found someone who can measure up to my high standards. 

She's so friendly and upbeat.  So sweet, so generous.  I think they're going to be a great match.  A few of my favorite aspects of the weekend, captured in photos:

First, the cottage where the party was.  Belongs to the parents of one of the bride's childhood friends, and it was ours for the weekend. 

Inside the cottage, the bride getting ready to celebrate.

Friday night's crowd was a little smaller, 8 of them plus me, trying to figure out how to work the timer on the camera so I could be in the picture too.

We weren't very good at tapping the keg.  Way too much foam.  This is the bride's cousin and the woman whose parents own the cottage, bride's childhood friend. 

The backseat of the Denali going out to dinner Fri night -- I think there were 12 of us, all in one car.  My husband probably would have been pissed at me if he'd known we did that (glad he doesn't read this!), he's big on people being buckled. 

Bride to be laughing and laughing and laughing.  Very good sign that the wknd was full of that.

Her special princess glass for the wknd, complete with a penis straw.

Sleeping arrangements on the less crowded night -- believe it or not, it was substantially more crowded the following night. 

Most of the alcohol for the wknd.  Those kids could drink...

My future sister in law. 

Playing beer pong. 

Woman who is married to one of the sons of the people who owned the cottage, passing out the penis straws.

She's getting ready for her first keg stand.

Completely upright for her second keg stand.  Crazy. 

Getting ready for the panty-party and gifts. 

But first, we all took turns dancing for the bride.  This was one of the craziest girls that wknd, one of the bride's college friends.  She was so much fun.  And though she drank tons, she still got up and ran with me!  And she was fast! 

So the panty game is where everyone brings a pair of panties and the bride has to guess who each pair is from.  For one reason or another, she decided to put on every pair.

Oh, I meant she put on every pair at the same time. 

So by the end, she was wearing about 15 pairs of panties at the same time.  I guess it went with the "excess" theme of the weekend!

And she modeled the lingerie she got.

She cracked up that I gave her something very conservative and full coverage -- but it's my baby brother, what did she expect???

But of course, she wore all of it at the same time.

Going to dinner Sat night -- this time with 16 people in the Denali.  Again, not something I'll tell my husband.

Arriving at dinner Sat night.

There just so happened to be a group of 20 or so guys with reservations at the same time, at the same restaurant.  And we knew in advance they'd be there, and that they were a German or Russian sports team.  We had high hopes.  Little did we know they were all substantially older than even me, and they were a German handball team.  But they were so much fun!  And of course they loved the bride!  Though they didn't really speak English. 

Waitress bringing mudslides for everyone.

My future sis and a bunch of her friends (one college, one childhood, two high school, and her mom).

One of the Germans who spoke English, most did not, giving the bride some advice for a happy marriage.

Dance party at the house after dinner.

And then a bonfire, where we eventually sat around playing "I Never."  Fortunately I was sufficiently intoxicated that I have no recollection of what she did or did not drink to! 

Her bachelorette weekend cake -- pretty and tasty!

A bunch of people laid out on Sunday for most of the day, I mostly walked the beach.

A pretty view of the Lake. 

So there you have it, the weekend in pictures!  I had so much fun, despite all the alcohol!


  1. Wow, they really DID party it up, huh?! It looks like you had a great time, and what a beautiful setting. That cottage on the lake - a dream vacation. I'm glad you got to know your future SIL a bit better and you had so much fun in the process.

  2. What a fun party weekend, wow! I'm glad you ended up having a good time, and getting to know your future sister in law better!
