
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Awesome Weekend!

Wow, three-day weekends are so nice!  Mine was completely awesome.

I ended up doing the 10k on Saturday morning, but it did not go well.  Not even close to a PR.  I mean, not even close.  Like probably a minute per mile off.  Fortunately one of my best running friends who is a million times faster than me (he's looking to qualify for Boston, which means about 35 minutes faster than the time I needed), happened to be hung over, so he said he'd run with me.  He's agreed/planned to run with me before though and then proceeded to go out way too fast -- and I'd either try to keep up (which meant train wreck), or I wouldn't (which meant we didn't run together).  Given our history, I wasn't counting on him being true to his word.  But this time we actually ran together!  Needless to say, that meant no age group award for either of us.  It was just way too hot.  Our last mile was about 30 seconds slower than the first, if that gives you an indication of how bad it was.  The goal is usually to be steady (within 5-10 seconds for all miles), or to get progressively faster.  Well, every single mile for us was slower than the one before it.  But not big deal.  Neither of us really cared, it was just fun to run together and get in some miles. 

Then I ran errands.  One of the local running stores is moving to a new location, so I stocked up on some stuff (including a couple things for hubby's birthday).  The highlight of my errands though was going to see my dress for the next family wedding.  I'm going to be in my brother's wedding in October, and so I wanted to try on the dress that she picked so I'd know what size to order.  I'll have to look for a link to post.

If that works you'll see it's also dark blue and strapless, just like the one for the wedding for my brother who's getting married in July.  But still pretty different.  Why did I ever think I was mostly done being a bridesmaid a few years ago?  Two in one year this year! 

Sunday started with a long run -- 14 miles, which felt more grueling than it should have.  But good friends always help the miles tick by, so that was nice.  Then I came home and made a quiche -- asparagus.  Maybe the first quiche I've ever made, but I used pre-made crust, so I'm not sure it counts.  It was crust, gruyere cheese, asparagus tips, then a mix of eggs, cream, nutmeg and pepper poured over the top.  I really hate eggs or things that taste like eggs, but this was pretty good.

I went over to my friend's house to finally watch the former man of my dreams marry some other woman named Kate Middleton.  I'd also made scones on Saturday, and we had all kinds of other fun foods to eat.  My friend's daughter got bored with the wedding pretty early on (probably because we watched a lot of the pre-wedding coverage).  I think I was about her age when I watched Diana and Charles get married very early in the morning one day with my mom. 

After the wedding-watching party, I went to my husband's work.  There is a huge fireworks show in the town where he works, ranks third in the country.  Most years a bunch of the wives plan a big potluck meal, and it's always a lot of fun.  Sometimes nearby coworkers show up and also chow down, and I think that has irritated some in the past (like we're bringing the food for ourselves and our husbands, and you're welcome to eat too but exercise some portion control and don't bring your whole family).  Well, this year, one of the officing neighbors hosted and it was not quite the same.  Still at my husband's work, but they (office neighbors) completely outnumbered us (hubby's co-workers and families).  And of course there wasn't enough parking for my husband's co-workers' spouses, despite the fact that most of the neighboring spouses came on school buses.  The food was not well planned.  Burgers and hot dogs with ketchup, mustard, relish and buns, boxes of indiv bags of chips, boxed store-bought cookies, and a couple cakes and some watermelon.  We usually make sure there are pasta salads, tons of homemade desserts, toppings for the burgers like lettuce, onion, tomato, pickles, etc.  Just not the same.  Maybe, maybe, maybe next year we can just do our own party and not invite neighboring offices.  Let them do their own party.  The problem is, all the guys work together a lot, so it's likely we're kind of stuck with them.  Oh, and another complaint was the smoking -- we were outside, but still, it didn't seem like a smart idea with so many kids around.  It smelled awful and it just set a bad example.  Anyway, the fireworks were still great.  I mostly watched with the wife of one of my husband's colleagues who I've barely seen since our US wedding reception about 2 years ago.  It was nice to catch up.  But oh, the drive home sucked.  So much traffic!  About 11 miles in 90 minutes.  Sigh. 

On the Fourth I took a day of freedom from working out.  Got up early and went to a place called Fossil Rim with a friend, her husband, and their two kids, one of whom is my godson.  It's about 90 miles away and is a drive-through safari thing.  You get a bag of feed and you get to feed various kinds of deer, gazzelle, giraffes and zebras.  We had a great time and my friend made an awesome picnic lunch too.  Then I came home and tried to get organized for the week ahead.  Lunches, outfits, straightening up.

Two short work-weeks coming up now:  4 days this week, 2 days next week for the wedding!!  I'm going to post bachelorette party pictures tomorrow I hope.

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