
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Anniversary Lunch

I have special lunch plans today.  My hubby is being honored at a lunch at his work for his 10th anniversary.  It's the longest he's worked for a single employer (beating out the U.S. Marines by about a year).  And his employer makes a big deal out of every 5 years of work, so he and a couple others are being celebrated today, and I'm invited too! 

I'm very excited and so proud of him.  I've never worked anywhere 10 years -- the longest was about 7 years at my first job out of law school at a big firm.  But since I like my job so much now, I could absolutely see being there for 10 or 20 years, but it's not such a big deal where I work.  They mark your anniversary every year with the "quarterly cake" -- basically a big cake for everyone that has a list of all the quarter's birthdays and anniversaries.  He likes his job too most days, so I can imagine going to another of these lunches in another 5 years, and then again in 2021, after which I'd guess he'll retire if he hasn't already.  He doesn't want to do his job when he gets too old, he'd rather find something else, but for now it's a very good fit for him.  It brings out many of the best aspects of his personality, he finds it interesting most days, it motivates and challenges him, and he can't imagine doing anything else. 

So today I get to go to work with him at lunch and clap and be proud of him.  Should be fun! 


  1. Have fun today, and congrats to your hubby for 10 years of working there!

  2. That is quite an accomplishment. My current school is the longest I've worked anywhere - I'm entering my 8th year. It makes me feel all grown up and stable to have roots somewhere. Congrats to your hubs.
