
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Running sick...

Sometimes it's probably a good thing that I don't always remember to check the weather in the morning!  I'm not sure I would have gotten out there today if I'd known how cold it was. 

I've said before that it's definitely one of the things I appreciate about both summer running and my usual pattern of doing speedwork Jan. through April.  In the summer, no thought whatsoever is required on my part about what to wear.  It's always a singlet and shorts (since I'm way too self conscious to go in just a sports bra, though I've done it once).  And when I did speed class in the winter-spring, I could wear every single piece of running clothing I owned if I wanted and it was no big deal.  Since we were at the track, I could take off and add layers in between repeats and it was perfect.  I would always be way over-dressed when I started, but that made it so much easier for me to get out in the cold and then warm up gradually.

This marathon season, we're doing mostly loop courses during the week.  And I need to plan my outfits accordingly, though I guess it's not too tough right now -- it's cold and that's not likely to change for the next month or so!  But still, to me there is a huge difference in what I wear if it's 45, 35, or 25 (but no difference between 65, 75, and 85). 

But this morning I didn't bother to check before I headed out, though I'd seen a forecast a day or two ago.  I was guessing it would be in the upper 20s.  What I didn't bank on was the wind!  Ugh. 

Wind chill they said was between 5 and 15.  Yikes!  Is this Texas or Minnesota???!!! 

If I'd known it was that cold this morning, I might have stayed in bed in hopes of nursing this upper respiratory infection.  I'm now losing my voice and suffering through lots of "productive" wracking coughs. 

But instead I layered up and got out there for a 6.5 mile loop, not so bad after the first half mile or so of wind and warm-up.  The pace was about 15 secs per mile faster than last week, which may have explained why it felt tough -- though it was probably also this infection.  Ugh. 

I'm ready to feel better! 

Big race on Saturday, and I need to be ready.  Doing a 10k (hopefully with my new heart rate monitor which had better get shipped today since those eejits at Beach Camera apparently haven't been able to do anything right w/r/t my Dec. 29 order!!!).  Our coach is going to use our heart rates from the race to set all our training heart rate zones. 

I need to think a bit more about Saturday's race.  The course kind of sucks.  It's the same one where I got my 5k PR, but it's a double out-and-back, and there is also a 5k, which means 10k runners will be finishing alongside 5k walkers (much like at the end of White Rock, where marathoners were finishing next to half marathoners going at about half their speed).  I hate dodging people when aiming for a strong finish.  Wasn't a big issue for me at White Rock since I wasn't racing, but Saturday's race needs to be a strong performance. 

This course is a bit downhill from the start, then a sharp turn, then up and down a pretty big bridge (for Dallas!), then a u-turn, then back up and down the same bridge, sharp left turn (probably won't be able to cut the tangent at all), slight uphill to the 5k finish, then apparently the 10k people just turn around and go back out to repeat the exact same thing.  Not fun. 

But hubby is working on Saturday I think and will be near the race, so he's hopefully going to be able to come watch.  But I'm not going to be in the running for any age group awards or anything.  I'm not expecting great things, particularly based on how I felt this morning.  Basically, we did 6.5 miles today at a pace about 30 seconds per mile slower than my current 10k PR.  I did not feel like I could have gone 30 seconds per mile faster!

I haven't raced very many 10ks.  It's actually probably the least-raced of the main distances for me.  I've done about 100 road races since I started running as an adult, and only 5 of them have been 10ks.  I've done about 15-20 half-marathons, about 12ish marathons, about 15 15ks, and about 25 5ks.  I've even done more of each 4 mile, 5 mile and 8 mile races than I have 10ks.  It's not such a common distance here, and even when they have it offered, I guess I usually lean toward whatever the other option is, whether it's longer or shorter. 

Anyway, back to my five 10ks.  One in 05 (guaranteed PR at my first), two in 08 (both PRs), and two last year.  In both the 10ks last year, I was trying to beat Adam's 10k time (and of course get my own PR, which would be automatic if I beat him).  The first 10k attempt sucked -- it was a course run on a levy so tons of up and down, mostly on gravel, and there weren't any mile markers.  And it was beating down sun with not a tree in sight.  I tanked and didn't even PR, missed my time by over a minute.  Then I tried again three weeks later and did manage to get a PR (on roads, on a real course with mile markers and no crazy ups and downs).  But I missed Adam's time by less than 15 seconds. 

So I need to bring it on Saturday, whether I'm sick or not!  Pain is temporary, a PR is forever, right?  I just have a feeling this race could be ugly, especially if I'm still hacking up my lungs...

I'm ready for spring! 

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