
Monday, February 25, 2013


My weekend was remarkably uneventful.  Waaaaay too much time playing sudoku.  But I managed to make a lovely "winter vegetable risotto" for dinner one night (recipe from a cookbook that I've had for years but am rediscovering, 1,0001 Low Fat Vegetarian Recipes).  And I did run as hard as I could for a lactate threshold test on Sunday morning -- that was horrible, and I wanted to die, but I did it -- ran hard for all 30 minutes.  Let's just say that I have a lot of work to do before Berlin. 

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

Questions and Answers

1. Did you watch the Oscars? If so, who did you enjoy seeing most?  No, I watched a little of the red carpet coverage while I was making that risotto, but we had people come over at 6:30 for dinner, so we turned off the TV when the doorbell rang. 

2. Do you drink meal replacement shakes, smoothies, etc? If so, what’s your favorite kind? I don't think of them as meal replacements, but I guess they are.  I drink a smoothie for breakfast at least Monday-Thursday, frequently about 5-7 days per week.  I put in it:  spinach, chia seeds, frozen fruit, soy milk, and Vega protein powder (usually berry flavored, sometimes vanilla or plain). 

3. Share one thing you have done to help someone in the last week?  I got my coworker to run for 2 minutes on a treadmill, the first time she said she'd ever run (I insisted that could not be true, everyone runs, if nothing else, as children; she conceded it was the first time she'd run in more years than she could count). 

4. What is the tastiest thing you ate last week? Tough call -- I made a delicious risotto last night, but hubby brought me a Freebirds burrito for dinner on Thursday night (somewhat like Chipotle but a Texas chain, and I prefer it), and we had leftovers from last Sunday night's dinner -- an eggplant orzo dish and a cauliflower soup (both great), AND I have been hooked on eating tacos lately with refried beans, cheese, olives and salsa -- not high quality but tasty.  The question is the tasties thing.  I think I'm voting for the risotto.  And we have leftovers, so that will be good. 

5. Think of one fun thing that you could do this week without spending any money to do it.  Very tough question!  Walking with my co-worker or running with my friends.  I think I'll do both!  But I guess I spent money on running shoes... 

6. Share one place that you’ve been to and would like to visit again. Chiang Mai, Thailand.  I counted it as one of my favorite places ever, and I'd love to go there with my husband and see if he loves it as much as I did. 

7. Do you prefer Facebook or Twitter? Neither.  I've never been on twitter, and I've been basically off Facebook since Jan. 1 (I occasionally will get on to check emails, or to pull up contact info for someone, and once to check race results for a bunch of friends, but pretty much logging in less than twice a month now). 

8. What is your favorite vegetable?  Easy peasy.  Peas!  They have been my favorite vegetable as long as I can remember.  From age 5 until sometime in law school (whenever the last time is that I was home with my folks for my bday), I chose for my birthday dinner steak and peas (originally with macaroni and cheese too, then that was replaced by baked potatoes).  And of course now I'd drop the steak and probably have mac and cheese AND baked potatoes.  But the peas have been a constant.  I can eat an entire huge bag of frozen peas in a single sitting.  It's scary.  I either eat them plain, with pepper, or with butter.  And pretty much love all three ways equally. 

9. Share a goal that you have for the month of March.  No sweets -- I gave up sweets for Lent and then promptly forgot twice in the first week.  A cookie on Ash Wednesday and a chocolate croissant (or three) at a race that Saturday.  But I am planning to eat sweets once or maybe twice in March (I'm counting them as my Sundays).  First at a dinner party on March 1 that we are hosting, and then maybe when my bro and his wife are visiting.  I also want to work very hard on my running -- possibly the hardest I've worked in years. 

10. Share a quote that inspires you.  "It never gets easier, you just get better." 

Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions! Don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments! Happy Monday!


  1. When I get going on a Sudoku kick, I cannot stop myself. Also, I think it's really cool that you don't think of smoothies as meal replacements-- they're just a meal to you. I need to start approaching them like that.

    I did FMM, also:

  2. I think it's so awesome you aren't on FB all the time. It seriously gets addicting and it's important to take a break. We lose real connections so easily nowadays since we just "like" or stalk people instead of asking people in person!

    Hope you have a great week!

  3. I have a love/hate relationship with FB and find myself distancing from it more and more. I make a very similar smoothie most days. I love Vega Vanilla Chai. It's the only protein powder I have found that I really enjoy. I have had luck getting $10 off and free shipping at Brendan Brazier's shop on Open Sky.

  4. I am intrigued with all the interesting countries that people on FMM have been listing as where they'd like to re-visit. They all sound awesome & they must be since people want to go back!

    Love your quote!

    stopping in from FMM - hi!
