
Friday, February 22, 2013

Another weekend, already?

Score!  I love short work weeks!  And we have basically nothing planned from the time I finish work tonight until Sunday night when we go to bed.

Well, I do have one thing planned and it has a 50/50 chance of involving vomit -- Sunday morning at 7:00, I have to do a lactate threshold test for the first day of working with my new running coach for this two-month speed session (he's been my coach before, but never just for speed work).  That basically means warming up for a while, running as hard as I possibly can for 30 minutes, and then cooling down.  Fun stuff. 

And I should send a birthday email to a friend's husband on Sunday.

Other than that, nada.  I am adding one thing to my to-do list from last weekend, and it is at the top.

** Listen to voicemail messages and arrange set-up between running buddy who moved to MN and cousin who lives there (whether it's a romantic set-up or just a new running buddy pairing, I hope it works)
Work on wedding scrapbook (another New Year's resolution)
Choose a recipe for the following week and make a grocery list
Study Italian
Photo book of China pictures for a friend we spent several days visiting in Shanghai
Online shopping on amazon using a gift card I got
Putting together some posts for the blog with photos from our trip to China
Hang our race bibs in garage like wallpaper (if I want to do this, it should be in the next couple months, since our garage will be too warm to do it in the summer)
Plan next dinner party, guests and menu (2 outstanding invitations extended at present, at most we'll be 8 people total) (menu will be a big challenge -- one person who accepted can't do dairy, so this will be my first vegan dinner party I guess!)

So, here's to hoping I can get even just a few of those things done.  Please let all the lifetime movies suck, and please don't have any Law & Order marathons on TV.  Please.  And then there is a chance...

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