
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Update on the Garmin Woes

Yesterday I wrote about how I was going to have to make the dreaded call to customer service for Garmin, because my watch would tell me it was fully charged, then minutes later have zero battery left. 

It wasn't as painful as I expected!  When I called, after the irrating four or so menus I had to go through to get into the right hold line, they said my anticipated hold time would be 30-35 minutes.

It was actually a bit less!  And since I had already done the software update, the guy (who spoke English well and was nice and helpful!) said I'd have to return my watch and I'd have another one in 6-10 business days from when they receive my old one.

Ugh.  2 weeks is a long time to go without a running watch, especially when I've registered for races this weekend and next weekend. 

But then he told me about the expedited return policy.  Basically, they ship me a new watch TODAY and charge my credit card for the watch, then when they get my old watch back, within a few days, they credit the charge back to my card. 

Score!  So I'm going to swing by my running buddy's UPS store after work tonight on my way to yoga, and ship mine back, and I should have a new one by Friday probably. 

Which means I'll be able to time my first weighted race on Saturday.  I'm doing a 10k and wearing my 35 pound vest.  It will be interesting if nothing else.  I'm going to be out there for a looong time.  Oh well.  Better get used to it!