
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Garmin Woes

I'm dreading one of the tasks on my "to do" list today -- calling Garmin customer support.  I had always been an old school running watch person, but almost exactly a year ago, I was finally made aware of the importance and benefits of heart rate training.

Since in order to train that way I needed a heart rate monitor, I figured I'd finally suck it up and buy a garmin.

There was a big shipping fiasco (I got a package that wasn't mine, marked with an order number only one off of mine and looking very similar to mine b/c of poor printing), and I eventually got it, though later than planned.

And now I pretty much always run with it.  But lately it's been really acting up.

I'll charge it all night, put it on in the morning and wear it for about 5-30 minutes until I'm ready to start running (and during that time, I just leave it in the regular mode where it shows the time of day).  I'm finally ready to go, head outside and get ready to start it up, and the watch is either completely dead or it gives multiple low battery warnings and then dies.  So I go put it back on the charger, and it immediately says it's 100% charged again.  It makes no sense.

And ugh, I'm going to have to spend how long sorting it out.  I need to do it today because the warranty has to be almost up sometime in the next 2 weeks.  I am just wondering how many minutes it will take...  I'm game for 30 minutes, but I'm worried it is going to be much longer.  I'm trying to be a pessimist and brace myself for the worst.  If it's just a few minutes, I'll be thrilled. 

Oh well, it's a year for me of getting it done.  Not procrastinating, just doing it.  As soon as I get to the office...

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