
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Yoga Update, 6 classes in 7 days

So before I forget, I need to record some of my yoga observations based on the last week -- a total of 6 classes in 7 days. 

Tues., 11-1-11:  First class.  Instructor was this tiny Asian woman named Bitty or Bitsy or something like that.  The class felt warm and seemed to last a long time, but it wasn't too bad.  No one left the class but it seemed a few people sat down at various points. 

Wed., 11-2-11:  Second class.  No recollection of who was the instructor, maybe a middle-aged guy?  Class was awful.  Seemed about twice as long as the day before and I had less than half the flexibility I had the day before.  Smallest class I've been in.  Maybe 20-25 of us?  I didn't count. 

Thurs., off day.  Holy cow, I was so sore.  Particularly my back, but also my sides and my shoulders.  But lots and lots of tightness in my back.

Fri., 11-4-11:  Third class.  Not sure who the instructor was, possibly a younger guy (Domenick).  Best class yet.  I feel like I'm getting a little better and it's not quite so hot.  I notice the triangle pose that I can already do better than I did in my other 2 classes.  First class where a neighbor irritates me.  She's wearing lots of jewelry, she's about 2 steps behind everyone else all the time, and she can't just be still -- even when she lays still, she's drumming her fingers or something. 

Sat., 11-5-11:  Fourth class.  First repeat with an instructor (Bitty/Bitsy again).  I'm starting to feel better and thinking I can do some things I can't.  For example, there's one pose where we stand on one leg and grab our other foot underneath, using all 10 fingers.  The standing leg is supposed to be locked, then you kick your bent leg forward.  When you're done kicking, your legs are at a 90-degree angle from each other and both straight out.  Then, when both legs are straight, you pull your elbows and head down over the raised straight leg.  Well, I'm not even close to that stage, but on Sunday, I thought maybe I could at least try to kick forward.  Nope.  Bitty said I wasn't there yet, and it was better to stay with my knee bent hanging than to kick before I was able to lock my standing leg.  I appreciated the feedback a lot.  It's really hard sometimes to know what you're doing right or wrong.  There are 20-40 people in each class.  Oh, and I'm irritated by another person -- this is a loud guy near me breathing heavily out of his mouth (you're supposed to breathe through your nose calmly). 

Sun., 11-6-11:  Fifth class.  New-to-me instructor, a woman whose name I don't remember. Middle-aged and gave lots of tips for beginners. First class that might have ended a tiny bit earlier than I expected.  Bitty was actually attending the class, so that was awesome because there was someone I knew I could watch as an example. An older bigger guy was in the back of the class and the instructor was teasing him a little about having asked if there were paramedics on sight.  But everyone in the class seemed to do a really good job. 

 Mon., 11-7-11:  Sixth class and wrapping up my first week.  Domenick again (I hadn't caught his name the first time).  First class where someone got so dizzy she fell down.  But the instructor was so calm.  He had her lay there for a while and kept class going at the same time.  He brought her a drink and next thing I knew, she was participating again.  Instructor gave me specific instructions about the triangle pose, and that helped.  There were two big landmarks in the class.  First, at some point after we'd moved to the floor portion, I realized I was able to basically count how many and which postures we had left.  Second, I actually got very briefly into the bridge position on our second attempt.  That was exciting! 

And after last night's class, it was raining (not frequent here) and I was overwhelmed by the desire to just be in the rain.  I feel like I never just stand in the rain and enjoy it -- either I'm hurrying out of it, or I'm stuck running in it.  This time I just wanted to stand and walk in it.  But since the yoga place is a few miles from my house, and it was late and time to eat, shower and get to bed, I settled for soaking up a couple minutes of glorious rain in the parking lot of a large grocery store (next to the yoga place).  Not exactly a zen moment, but probably the closest I've gotten since I started.
So after a week, I think I lost some weight but our scale battery died in the last few days (probably because I was jumping on about 6 times per day). 
I feel like I can actually see a change in my body, specifically in my abs.  You do lots of stuff while sucking your stomach in, which isn't something I'd spent much time doing, now it feels more comfortable. 
I think my posture is actually improving.  I notice lots of times when I'm sitting and I don't feel like my spine is straight.

I think I'm spending a bit more time reflecting and more quiet time.  I can't quiet my mind in class yet.  I definitely focus when we're doing the postures, but when we're supposed to lay still and absorb the benefits, my mind wanders in non-yoga ways -- thinking about things to do, work, people around me, whatever. 
The heat isn't quite as tough, but it's still hot and does not feel easy.  I just don't feel like I'm suffocating anymore. 
I feel like I have a decent grasp of the postures, what's coming next, what I can do at my peak (and I try to get to that point earlier and start from there), what good form is. 
My plan is to go again today and tomorrow, take Thursday off and see how I feel, then MAYBE go on Friday.  It will just depend.  If I go, I'll try to take it very easy since I don't want anything to hurt before the marathon. 
I'm definitely enjoying it, just very time-consuming.  I forgot to add in the laundy time and the packing bags time.  Definitely eating over 2 hours per day.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you're on your way to becoming a yogi! I'm so glad you're giving yoga a chance and documenting how each of the classes is going. That way, you can decide which teachers you like and which you want to avoid. Plus, tightened abs and a bit of weight loss is a great bonus!
