
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Cooking Weekend

Maybe it was the lower mileage this weekend, maybe it's the fact that they say fall is coming (it's been crazy warm the last few days, but we did have a few cold mornings, and I know more cold ones are ahead), maybe it's just boredom with what I've been eating.  Or most likely, it was the desire to have something tasty, nutritious and quick to reheat after weeknight yoga, which ends at 8, and gets me home by 8:20ish -- and I still need to shower before I can go to bed.  And since I wake up at or before 5 every day, I want to get to bed asap when I get home, which means a strong need for something quick to eat.

So this past weekend, I made a quiche one night (broccoli mushroom, only my second quiche ever, and quite delicious), and then the next night I made a curried lentil dish (tried and true recipe we both enjoy). 

Can't remember where I got the recipes, but if you enlarge the photos, they may be legible.  You know it's a sign of a good recipe when it has a major wine stain all over the page...

Anyway, a "last remaining quiche slice" pic, the lentil dish cooking, the recipes, and a fridge pic for some reason -- but of course I didn't have the lentil leftovers in the fridge yet, so it doesn't look as well-stocked for the week as it is. 

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