
Friday, October 8, 2010

September Mileage

With all the marathon travel and craziness, I never got to update my monthly miles here.  I logged 157.4 miles in September (a little more than 10 fewer than in Sept. 09).  At the end of September, I was at about 995 miles for 2010.  I basically need almost 25 miles per week for the rest of the year (giving myself 1 week off for Xmas) to make my NY Resolution of 1300 miles.  Should be possible. 

I ran a bit at camp this morning.  Faster pace than yesterday's track run but shorter distance.  It all felt good, but I opted to do arm weights instead of the sprints! 

I am really looking forward to this weekend since there isn't a lot planned.  Hubby has to work and I have a lot of stuff to do around the house b/c my folks are visiting us next weekend and will get here Fri morning.  We're having people come to put in new carpet padding on that floor of the house hopefully on Wednesday, so that night will be a lot of furniture moving, bed-making, etc.  I'm really excited for them to be here, even if it's just for a long weekend.  My other weekend projects are wrapping gifts (hubby and godson's bdays in the next week or so), writing a race report to post, clearing up my desk and inbox at work, and making a decision (if I can) about whether I'm going to run the RNR marathon (or half) in San Antonio.  I'm going to try to decide on Sunday b/c there's a $20 discount that day and really, I should be able to commit now, one way or the other!

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