
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Nerves the way I like them!

It's a nervous morning here -- so many friends racing this weekend.  I ran an easy 8-9 this morning and it felt pretty good, just very slow and easy.  Came home to some Law & Order reruns, eating leftovers from last night's dinner, and hitting refresh every 5 minutes to get marathon results updates.  Just the way I like it!  Maybe even more fun than running! 

I had a great run, so many people congratulated me along the way.  I stayed with the group through about 6.5, then slowed down a bit and u-turned before the 7.5 mark, and then went back to a friend's car at mile marker 6.  That made the run nice, we didn't have to backtrack the whole way.  Anyway, marathon results...

My friend Carrie from high school (her blog is on my list here) had a PR in Munich. 

No news from two friends doing Mohawk-Hudson. 

Tracking Chicago online.  News article said weather will be perfect for the elites, possibly too hot for ordinary runners.  One Dallas area "friend" (I say that b/c we don't know each other well -- he sent me a FB friend request and I said I should be his fan, not his friend) is trying to break 3 hours, which is borderline elite.  He was on track for a 3 hour finish at 20k, but as of 35k and check C, he's back to 3:04, which won't be a PR for him.  Seems that many people are slowing around the 30k mark -- which has happened to me in almost every race, regardless of the weather.  I've always heard the marathon is a 20 mile run and then a 10k race -- and it's the last 10k that breaks a lot of people.  Wishing I could send some strength and speed to everyone out there! 

1 comment:

  1. It does seem like so many people are running this weekend. I hope all of yours do well! :)
