
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Special Street

As I mentioned, this past weekend was my favorite 5k of the year.  Even the more uneventful years are so fun -- so many friends run this race and it has a great atmosphere.  This weekend, there was someone walking in front of me during the last half mile and she was struggling, I told her to come on, and she did and thanked me.  It's an encouraging and fun atmosphere.  Possibly because some people start drinking before the race?  Haha.

I have tons of awesome memories from this race:

One year, I had an amazing pacer, and I remember feeling like a dog because she kept turning around and saying "Come on girl" to me.  She also kept my watch during the race.

One year, I pushed my godson in a stroller.  I think I shared this story before, but I ran as hard as I could with him, and on the big hill of the race, halfway up, I realized that directly in front of me (and therefore directly in my godson's face) was the butt of a guy wearing nothing but green boxer briefs. 

One year, it was the day of my bridal shower and my mom did the race too, pre-festivities.  It was a PR at the time and one of the happiest days of my life! 

One year, one of my dearest friends was in town for the race and a day of fun following. 

One year, a friend wearing a beer mug costume paced me and I clearly remember some spectator, a middle-aged guy with a belly, standing on the lawn of one of the apartment complexes as we ran by.  As we passed, he said, "ah, now here come the fun runners."  For an entire half mile I thought about going back to choke the guy and asking him how fun he thought a 7:xx pace was.  Can't even remember what pace I was running, but I swear, it was not fun (though it was a cake walk for the guy pacing me). 

Last year, one of my favorite running buddies who moved to California was in town and we got to hang out afterward. 

One year my middle little brother and his wife came to visit that weekend and we all ran it, watched the parade and spent the day hanging out at house parties. 

This is the brother who has been on my mind constantly lately with his new baby. 

So it was extra cool to go to my secret easy-in-easy-out parking spot for this race and realize the street has the same name as my new nephew! 


  1. How cool that you have so many memories of one race series. The green boxer briefs made me laugh, as did the "come on girl." ha! I can see how the bridal shower race day would have been so much fun & filled with so much happiness.

  2. You're new nephew's name is Lover's Lane? That's weird. :)
