
Thursday, March 19, 2015


This one was pretty easy, thanks to all the words.  To make it a bit harder, we put aside the box top, but it was still a one day project, one of my best friends came over to help since she loves puzzles too. 

By the way, I think the calf pain I had after the 5k this past weekend and then my 13 miler the next day is gone.  I took Monday completely off, and did boot camp Tues but took it very easy, then another boot camp Wed., and then took it for a 6 mile run this morning and it was fine.  Fingers crossed that was it!  I love it when something hurts like crazy, amputate-now, pain, and then you take two days off and then you're not 100% sure which leg it was that hurt....

1 comment:

  1. Cool puzzle! We really need to do a family puzzle in my house. I'm glad your calf pain has gone away. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a smooth training.
