
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

#Reverb13, Day 29: List it

Throughout the month of December (or January, but I am determined to finish this month), I’ll be participating in #reverb13: Reverb is a way to reflect on the past year and project into the next year with a prompt a day for 31 days.

Day 29 – List it

List posts are everywhere. Top 10 Ways to be Happier Today. Three Tips for More Energy. Seven Ideas to Stay Focused. Give us a list.

My Five Tips to PR at a Distance You've Raced Repeatedly

1.  Have a training plan that you follow faithfully, ideally 4-6 days of running per week.
2.  Do strength training at least twice a week.
3.  Include tempo and race pace miles in your schedule.
4.  Have a faster experienced friend who can be trusted to hold steady goal pace run the race with you.
5.  Know exactly what your plan is for the race -- getting there, warming up, fueling if necessary, mile splits, total time that you have to beat. 

It's hard to even tell you how long it has taken me to learn each of those tips.  Especially the last one.  I'd get to a race too late to warm up.  Or I would forget the exact time that was my current PR and had to be beat.  Or I wouldn't be able to figure out exactly what my per mile pace needed to be. 

And since I'm feeling wild and crazy (and need to do it anyway)...

My Five Things that Should be Accomplished on Saturday

1.  Donate things.  2014 is a new tax year.  Donate the old Christmas tree and all the clothes and shoes that have been moved to the garage for that purpose.  Photograph it all for tax records before donating.  Decide if we're donating our old Mac and if so, figure out how to wipe data off. 
2.  Complete our Global Entry applications so we will be able to use the expedited lines at customs when we come back from vacation for the next several years.
3.  Go to the mall to see a movie and shop for shampoo (Sephora and L'Occitane).
4.  Deep clean kitchen (hubby) and upstairs bathroom (me). 
5.  Make breakfast for my local bestie and exchange Christmas gifts with her after the local five mile race, which we may or may not also run with her, depending on how late the basketball game Friday night goes and how much we drink there...

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