
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Requisite weather complaint

I know, I know, it's much colder in many places, but the bottom line is that when I chose to move to Dallas (and it was a choice), I didn't sign on for this kind of weather. 

Days like this make me wonder if I made a mistake in ruling out California and Florida at the outset (in law school, the bar exam seems very scary and those states don't have reciprocity with others, so I worried if I had to move home for some reason, I'd have to take another bar exam, so I ruled those states out of my search). 

This morning I had seven miles on the schedule -- 2 easy, 3 tough, 2 easy.  But as I was going to bed last night and laying out my clothes for the morning (see how hard I'm trying to push myself?  even resorting to laying out clothes to make less chance of a morning flake-out), I checked the weather as I always do from about September until May. 

It said it would be 25 with 10 mph winds!

So I set out my clothes -- a pair of tights, thicker socks that come up over my ankle, a sports bra, a long sleeved running shirt and a running jacket. 

And then I sent a few whiny texts to one of my running buddies, asking him if he really expected me to run in this $hit.  Especially since I knew I had no plans tonight, so I could have easily done dreadmill in the morning or even after work.  But he said we'd be going fast so it wouldn't feel cold, and it would be more fun to be together. 

So I did it.  When my alarm went off at 4:40 today, I got up, piled on the clothes and headed out.  Two decisions on my way out the door were key to my happiness. 

First, I went with double gloves.  I've only done this once before.  I hate it because it feels kind of tight over my fingers, but it's so worth it not to have cold hands.  At one point today, I even considered taking off one of the pairs since my hands were so toasty.

Second, I went with my usual earband but wore it under a warm fleece hat.  When I got in my car after the run and took it off, the earband was soaked -- but my head and ears had stayed nice and warm the entire time. 

I did the warmup with my friends, and then managed two very hard miles tagged within a car length or two of my friends, but then I was pretty tuckered out.  I fell back considerably on the final tempo mile, but then we regrouped for our two mile cool down.

This is my phone showing the weather when I got home: 

And for your daily Italian vocabulary:
umidita = humidity
vento = wind
probab neve = chance of snow
temp. percepita = ??? (weather terms aren't my strength, and it's too early for wordreference, but I'd guess it means perceived temperature, or real feel or something like that)
adesso = now
alba = sunrise/dawn

So when I finished, 23 degrees with 14 mph winds. 

Crazy!  I can't believe I got out in this weather and did it.  And I really can't believe it wasn't that bad!  But I really, really hope we don't have many more days like this. 


  1. I hear you! But I hear it's getting warmer soon :)

  2. I ran the Manhattan Half this past Sunday. We were at 18F and it was windy. It was brutal.

    1. Aye! But good reason to be proud of yourself!
