
Thursday, April 11, 2013

April in Texas ... part deux

Yesterday I was whining about the weather the day before.  Tuesday morning, I got up to go run and it was 70 degrees before 5 a.m.  It was miserably warm (though not too humid), but I went to the track and did my workout. 

Today I'll just go ahead and whine more.  No photo today, but this morning it was 43 when I got up to go run before 5 a.m.


I was actually fairly miserable on the run today.  First workout with my speed coach where I have really crashed and burned.  This is now indication number 4 that I may be overtraining, so it's time to start listening. 

Our scheduled workout was our usual warmup drills, then 1 mile easy, then 1 mile easy with 5 strides, then it was supposed to be 1 mile at 10k pace, 2 miles at 5k pace, then 1 mile easy.  Since last time we did this workout it was 2 miles at 10k and then 1 at 5k, and I'd bombed, having my 5k be slower than either of my 10k miles, today, I wanted to play it conservatively on the 10k mile.  But I had just zero pick-up.  Maybe negative pick-up would be a better way of putting it.  My 10k mile was about 30 seconds slower than last week.  And my 5k miles were dead even with each other, but both 15 seconds slower than today's 10k mile.

I'm a mess right now.  Sleeping, stress, nutrition, all that seems to be fine.  I've just got no oomph.  I'm 50/50 on whether I go to boot camp tomorrow, but either way, Saturday is definitely going to be a rest day.  I'm ready for it.  I just recently took a day off (last week Friday), but I think having so many workouts on Tuesday is starting to kill me. 

This morning, after I ran to work and got showered, per our tradition lately, I asked my accounting buddy to come downstairs and let me into the stairwell so we can climb the stairs together.  It's only 8 flights (we're on the 9th floor), but it's enough to get her heartrate up so it's fun. 

Well, on the climb today, I asked her if going forward, we could reverse our Tues-Wed evening routines.  Since the beginning of the year basically, every Tuesday night we've been walking on the treadmill together after work, then I run home.  Since the time change in March, every Wednesday night, we've been walking outside on my commute.  We walk for about 22 mins and 30 seconds, or sometimes until we get to 1.55 miles (so it will be an even 5k for her), and then she u-turns.  She walks back to the office solo, and I start running and just continue on my way home. 

She's on board with switching the days, so now on Tuesdays, instead of walking a couple miles on the treadmill and then running 3.75 miles home, I'll just do the 3.75 miles -- some walking, some running.  And on Wednesdays, when I don't meet my friends to run in the morning, I'll have a couple treadmill walking miles, and then the run home solo. 

This plan will hopefully help. 

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