
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Happy PR

So yesterday I wrote about running the 10k this weekend.  And back in July, I wrote about my mid-year update on my resolutions.  To my amazement, those two things have something in common. 

Well, yesterday while I was eating lunch at my desk, I took a minute to put the weekend's 10k race into my race results spreadsheet. 


I got a PR!  Only by 7 seconds, but heck, a PR is a PR!  That means I can check another of my 2012 resolutions off the list as being done.  Sweet! 

It's crazy because I felt like I was running hard, but at the same time, most miles I felt like I could have kicked it up a bit more, but I didn't because I knew I had a 20 mile long run the following morning.  And my first mile was the slowest of the race, and I thought there was no way I'd be able to come back from that. 

This is an underlying problem with racing that I've had lately -- I have failed to have my PR time fresh in my head, and know exactly what pace it takes to beat that.  I feel like I know and will always know my marathon and 5k PRs, but all the ones in between are kind of a muddly mess.  But this time, it wasn't a big deal that I didn't know what time I needed to beat, since I beat it anyway.  It would have been a major disappointment if I'd missed it by just a few seconds.  Sweet!! 

Perhaps more importantly than meeting one of my 2012 resolutions though, this PR puts to bed a long-standing family controversy.  The question had been whether my brother's 10k time run during an Olympic triathlon was eligible for the family's 10k running title.  I firmly said it was not (though obviously I know that if you can run X time in a 10k in a tri, you could run faster in a straight-up 10k), but of course my brother insisted it was.  Thus, for the last few years, the family 10k title has had a little asterisk next to it. 

It's all moot now.  Because either way, I have blown his Olympic tri 10k time out of the water!  Well, if you can call beating it by 5 seconds "out of the water".  Haha.  Works for me. 

Let the trash talk begin. 


  1. Congratulations!! Your family sounds like fun. Have you all ever run a race together?

    1. Not really. At the Chicago 07 marathon, I ran as did 2 of my younger brothers. When they cancelled the race, one of them (the baby) was diverted off the course and onto a bus, so he didn't get to finish. The other was rerouted, but he finished. The baby has completely sworn off marathons after that. My middle little brother (Adam) also ran the Twin Cities full in 2010 when I did, and I only beat him by about 4 minutes. I also ran a half marathon in 2008 or so with one sister-in-law and one woman who later became a sister-in-law. And I've run a couple races with my mom, but we need to do a 5k or something where my whole family will run it. Would be so much fun.
