
Sunday, December 11, 2011

WEVerb11: Try

For the month of December, I’ll be participating in #WEverb11. Each day gives a new prompt, each of which is a chance to reflect and look forward.

#11:  What 12 new things do you want to do/accomplish in 2012?

I am not ready to make my resolutions yet, so I'm not sure how to answer this one without doing that.  In terms of things that will be resolutions, two of them jump to mind as fitting for this:
1.  I want to run and/or walk the Bataan Memorial Death March marathon in March while carrying 35 pounds.  So far, I have run 1 mile and walked 2 in one day wearing the vest (the attempt before that was .75 miles running and 1.5 walking).  That means I have a lot of work to do in the next few months to be ready for an entire marathon in a few months.  I am aiming to get to 3 miles running straight, and then it's going to be a lot of walking.  I'd like to be up to at least 2.5 miles before I leave to go home for Christmas...
2.  I want to run the Beijing Marathon.  Easier said than done.  First, the marathon I believe will be in mid- to late-October, but of course there is no date posted yet; apprarently people in China aren't quite so concerned with planning their lives and travels 10 months in advance.  Second, since there's no date, I can't ask my brother to plan his fall wedding around it, so I have to cross my fingers that those two days don't conflict.  Third, I have to overcome all the hurdles similar to the first -- I have to get through the registration process, have a plane ticket and be on a flight that gets me to Beijing on time, figure out how to expo and get myself to a start and a finish line in not only a foreign country, but a foreign country where I haven't the slightest ability to read or understand the most basic things, and I have to make it though smog that scares my lungs. 
But after those couple things, I'm at a loss.  I know there will be at least one other running resolution.  The rest probably won't be related, but like I said, I'm just not at the point where I want to make my resolutions yet.  It's something I always start thinking about this time of year, but I'm not usually ready to write them down until after Christmas, and sometimes even a week or two after New Year's.  Oops!  But definitely not ready on Dec. 11.  So this Weverb post is a flop for me...  Sorry! 

1 comment:

  1. Definitely not a flop! This was really interesting and shows how adventurous you are! A marathon in Beijing is amazing!! I hope it all goes smoothly and that you are able to do it.
