
Saturday, December 10, 2011

WEVerb11: Create

For the month of December, I’ll be participating in #WEverb11. Each day gives a new prompt, each of which is a chance to reflect and look forward.
#10: Share a creative project you undertook this year (art, writing, DIY, cooking, home decoration, crafts, photography … whatever comes to mind). How do you use your creativity to express yourself? 

Contributed by Tara http://twowishes.comandeileenhttp//
Um...  I'm not exactly a creative person.  I guess the most creative project I undertook this year was adding some text and photos and mementos to our wedding scrapbook.  The friend who came to Italy and did our ceremony translation into Italian for us (we brought my parents' priest to do the service and he only speaks English, though he did do the nuptial blessing in both languages) gave us a wedding scrapbook as a gift.  And I've been very slowly working on it.  I've got the big box with a bunch of stuff sitting under one of our dining room chairs so I can pull it out whenever I want, but since I worked on it for a few weekends many months ago, I pretty much haven't gotten back to it.  Since this spring will be our third anniversary, I really need to get to it!

I guess the blog is kind of creative, but since I write about my life, it's not exactly creative like writing fiction or something.  And I definitely take tons of photos, but they aren't really artistic or creative, it's just a way for me to hope I'll always be able to remember some of the places I've been and events in my life.  So yeah, I don't think this is a good prompt for me.  I don't think lawyers in general are particularly creative types, and I'm probably less creative than the average lawyer.  Oh well! 

1 comment:

  1. I put scrapbooking as one of my things I want to try, too.
