
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Overly Tired

I'm dragging today but for good reason.  Happily, I had an insanely busy and interesting day at work yesterday (I got over the morning brain fade).  We've got a big case review next week Monday through Wednesday (inconveniently, right while my baby brother will be visiting for work, and I'd like to have free evenings to finish up my month of yoga).  With that on the horizon, I've been working hard to make sure all my files are in ship-shape.  That means I feel like I start working the second I walk in the door and I barely even look up until about 2 or 3 when I am absolutely starving and I finally drag myself away to heat up lunch.  I've started bringing double water to my office so I don't have to get up to refill quite so often!  Crazy, but I absolutely love it.  My boss said I didn't need to actually go through each and every one of my cases but by that point, I was about 75% done and I thought it's probably good to go through them all in depth at least once a year.  I've got several that are inactive -- like a lawsuit that was never served, or one where we've been dismissed but are monitoring the ongoing litigation against co-defendants, etc. 

Anyway, despite the chaos, I managed to make it to yoga last night, arriving just as the class was starting (yoga post coming in the next few days).  Went through my 90 minute class and headed home at about 8:15.  Starving, soaking wet with sweat, tired, thirsty.  And I saw a missed call from my next-door neighbors.  Called them back and found out -- we have neighbors! 

They live in Dallas part-time (I've posted about them before, among my fave people in the world; last year, we visited them in the other two places where they divide their year -- outside of Detroit, and in Puglia, Italy).  They were supposed to get back to Dallas on Monday (and they're staying here through early March, when they'll head to Italy through early May, then Michigan for most of the summer I think).  But our weather was terrible on Monday, major rainstorms, and their lights weren't on when I got home from yoga. 

So since they were home, I called hubby (already getting ready for bed at 8:15, yes, our life is lame) and told him to get dressed so we could go visit.  They were fairly disgusted that I arrived in wet yoga clothes, and after we talked for about half an hour, I decided to run home to microwave some leftover quiche and grab my favorite blanket and bring it all over to their place to eat dinner under my blanket while we talked some more.

Hubby and I both adore them, and life seems so much more fun when they're here.  They came back to Dallas in July with us (after we went to see them in Michigan when we were there for my baby brother's wedding), and then back to Michigan in August, so it's been months. 

I already have a million things I want to ask her to do with me -- helping me bake for a post-marathon party after White Rock, helping me bake cookies for my co-workers, going to an art exhibit in Fort Worth with me (Caravaggio, one of my all-time faves), walking with me as I attempt to get used to wearing my 35-pound weighted vest to be ready for the Bataan Memorial Death March Marathon in March, and just generally hanging out.  Tons of nights sitting in each others' living rooms, having several conversations going at once, etc. 

I'm very thankful that they happened to move in right next door, that I happened to meet them, and best of all, that she still has her Italian accent -- which prompted me to ask where she was from instead of just getting her name and waving hello for years!  Very fortuitous indeed! 

But now that they're back, I have to avoid getting carried away.  As much fun as it might be to sit there talking until 10 at night, when I have to come home, shower and fall asleep after that, it means 5:00 a.m. comes way too early.  Discipline.  Isn't that supposed to be improving with yoga???!!!  Well, we'll have months to soak up their company now.  Woo-hoo! 

1 comment:

  1. How fun that your good friends are back and living next door. Life definitely improves when you have people like that to share it with.

    I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving, and I'll eat a cardoni just for you this afternoon.
