
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Consubstantial Changes!

Wow, new mass! 

We don't go to Catholic mass together very often.  First, I'm Episcopalian (hubby is Catholic).  Second, hubby works most Sundays.  Third, my running group does long runs on Sunday mornings.  Fourth, hubby is more like a recovering Catholic -- not very into it. 

That all means I go to Episcopalian services occasionally and Catholic services rarely.  Hubby goes with me to occasional Episcopalian services (like Christmas Eve with my family). 

Well, in the U.S. 

When we're in Italy, we go to Catholic services pretty much every day if we can't find a way out of it!  Haha.  I think we even went twice in one day when we were there this past spring. 

But this weekend was special.  First, I don't mind going to Catholic services even though I'm Episcopalian, I'd just never do it alone.  Second, hubby was off today.  Third, we only had a 9 mile run on the schedule this morning, and then I went straight to 90 minutes of yoga and I was home before 10 and mass wasn't until 12.  And fourth, hubby said yesterday that he was willing to go to mass in the morning as long as we went to the English (Catholic) service at the cathedral. 

It was quite amusing therefore to be at my first English language Catholic service in quite some time and to hear most people be almost as "close but not quite" as I am.  Lots of the words are the same in an Episcopal church, but with the new mass today, they changed just enough that I was still off, but so was everyone else. 


And also with your Spirit.

I am not worthy for you to come under my roof. 

Hahaha.  They were all lost with me and hubby was floored -- he still remembers when they did it in Latin (he was young at the change, but you know, that stuff sticks sometimes). 

Not sure when we'll go back -- we're having a party next weekend after the marathon at our house (or if he's working, I'm having the party alone for my running buddies).  And then after that, he'll probably be back at work on Sunday mornings, but at least we were there for the first one! 

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