
Monday, August 22, 2011

Sunday Dinner

I spent most of the day hanging out yesterday.  I got home from my run.  It was 9 miles with the group, plus to and from our starting point, so about 12.5 total. 

When I got home, I was hurting.  My left calf is really tight when I flex my foot.  I'm trying to ice, and I've decided I'm not going to do any additional miles on Wed morning (just boot camp in the morning and a social run at night).  Hopefully that will be enough of a rest that it will get back to normal. 

So I hung out. I did laundry, did some reading for my new book club (I'll have to write about that soon), and mostly just watched movies and stuff.  Very low key.  At about 5, I started cooking.  I made Mediterranean Eggplant Barley Salad, along with roasted cauliflower. 



  1. Looks delish! Can you post that recipe. I hate it when I get tight, makes the running so much more stressful! Have a great week, and go check out my Giveaway.


  2. Here's a link to the recipe:

  3. I'm totally stalking you right now, but I just wanted you to know I replied to your comment/emailed you. I promise I didn't mean my comment in a bad way! I totally think the world of you and love your comments!

    Also... that roasted cauliflower looks amazing. YUM!

  4. Your meal looks delicious---I'm going to check out the recipe!
