
Monday, August 22, 2011

FMM: The Last Thing

There is something I’ve read on Bella’s blog for several weeks now, and I thought today’s topic sounded interesting. It’s called Friend Making Monday.

Here are the instructions: If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links, too, so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

FMM: The Last Thing

1) What is the title of the last book you read? I am currently reading three books: The Terror by Dan Simmons (yes, the link is correct, it’s 784 pages, I’m about 2/3 of the way done, but it was very slow going at the beginning, fiction about arctic exploration in the late 1840s), and Long May You Run by Chris Cooper (non-fiction compilation kind of book about running for a lifetime), and Gomorra by Roberto Saviano (a link in English, but I’m not reading it in English), but the last book I finished reading was probably Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand.

2) What is the last movie you saw in a theater? Rise of Planet of the Apes a couple weeks ago. I really wanted to see Horrible Bosses, but I don’t even know if it’s still showing. We don’t go to movies very often, I generally hate the theater experience – it’s inevitable someone talks, or some kid cries, or kids walk in and out of the theater, or someone’s texting, whatever.

3) Briefly describe the last person you saw today. Probably my secretary who came in my office to grab stuff out of my in-box within the last 45 minutes.

4) Which store did you most recently shop in? This weekend was tax-free shopping in Texas, so I did a bunch on Saturday – two running stores, two shoe stores, and the Container Store.  I also went to Target in search of something on a wedding registry and some stuff for myself, but since the registry item wasn't there and it was crowded, I didn't bother shopping for myself. 

5) Who’s the last person you spoke to over the phone? The receptionist at the Montana Human Rights Bureau (work-related).

6) Where’s the last place you vacationed? Technically, that would be Troy and Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Canada in mid-July, but that was for a family wedding, not really a vacation destination.  Before that was Port Sanilac, Michigan in late June for the bachelorette party accompanying said wedding. The last real true vacation just for fun was Paris in May. We added it on to our trip to Boston and Italy in April, but Boston was for the marathon, Italy was to see family and friends. Paris was truly just vacation for us.

7) When was the last time you kissed someone of the opposite sex? About 6:35 this morning, saying goodbye to my husband as we got in our separate cars after working out at boot camp. 

8) What’s the last thing that made you laugh? It’s sad that I don’t know how to answer this.  I seriously have no idea.  Possibly something while I was running with friends this weekend or maybe something I saw on tv recently?  But in the interest of thinking of something concrete, it would have been Sat afternoon at a friend's business grand opening.  We were there with a bunch of our boot camp buddies and one was talking about the perfect crime.  I was laughing.  It's just weird though if I haven't laughed in the last 48 hours, but I'm not a big laugher in general I guess. 

9) What’s the latest app that you downloaded on your phone? Nothing recent.

10) What’s the last kind thing you did for someone? Hmm, I called my husband while I was getting ready for work just to tell him that I thought he was a wonderful husband, a wonderful father, a wonderful friend, and a wonderful employee. But does that really count? I offered to share my huge block of chocolate with my office next-door neighbor this morning, but I don’t know if that counts either b/c he didn’t accept.  I failed to bug defense counsel on a case for a status report that she should have given me a few hours ago, but that's not really kind either.  Do happy birthday phone calls count?  Bringing friends as your guest to boot camp?  Buying running shorts for my husband on Saturday that he really wanted using my store credit that I usually put toward running gear for myself?  Putting a lot of effort into making a delicious and nutritious dinner that was ready for my husband when he got home from work yesterday?  Actually, because that made him really happy, I guess I'd say that was the last kind thing I did.  This question makes me think I need to do some pro bono legal work pronto, or at least buy a homeless person dinner or go for a run with them or something!  We have an awesome program here for running with the homeless, but I haven't done it in weeks because it's conflicted w/ my scheduled run with a couple friends lately.  I should get back to it. 

Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions! Don’t forget to link up in the comments the blog that's hosting this.


  1. Stopping by from FMM. I saw that you're running the Boston Marathon. Was that your trip back in April? That's pretty exciting stuff. I love your pro bono idea :)

  2. This was fun to read. I've got that book by Hillenbrand on my to-read list.
