
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Vacation Eats: McDonald's in Paris

This is a post in my "Vacation Eats" series. I'm posting about various eating and drinking experiences I had on our 2011 Vacation Extravaganza -- Pittsburgh, Boston, Italy, Paris, Pittsburgh. A link to all posts so far is available here. The idea is to lose all the pounds I gained by the time I'm finished with this posting series!

This is a little misleading, because we didn't actually eat at McDonald's in Paris.  We were walking along the Champs-Elysees, and hubby needed to find a restroom.  Not knowing where else to go, and knowing we were in the land of the pay toilet, we decided to duck into the McDonald's.  I was willing to buy something if the restrooms were for paying customers only, but the restrooms were open, so we didn't buy anything. 

But the menu was quite interesting!

I hope you're able to zoom in on the menu.  Featuring items like Croque McDo, the Royal-O-Fish AND the Filet-O-Fish.  They also have what appears to be a side dish of "small tomatoes" on the menu, plus what may be translated as skin-on fries.  But my favorite French McDo menu items were at a special counter closer to the exit:

McCafe cupcakes!  I was tempted to try one, but couldn't bring myself to eat McDonald's in Paris, particularly since I only eat it at home about twice a year, and on those occasions it's just fries or ice cream. 

Anyway, it was a fun potty stop in Paris.

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