
Friday, June 10, 2011

Vacation Eats: French Dinner

This is a post in my "Vacation Eats" series. I'm posting about various eating and drinking experiences I had on our 2011 Vacation Extravaganza -- Pittsburgh, Boston, Italy, Paris, Pittsburgh. A link to all posts so far is available here. The idea is to lose all the pounds I gained by the time I'm finished with this posting series!

My favorite restaurant meal in Paris was definitely our dinner in Montmartre, a neighborhood near Sacre Coeur.  It was very small.  We can't say for sure if it was filled with locals, but we were certain everyone there was speaking French, that the group next to us at the communal table were all Parisians (though some were transplants from elsewhere in the country but living there for years), and that the menu was only in French.  My menu translating skills were completely put to the test because the waiter didn't speak English either.  We picked the restaurant largely because I'd translated one entree and it was vegetarian and exactly what I wanted.  Hubby, surprisingly, had more trouble finding something.  Lots of the menu was either sausage, pork/ham or beef, all of which he tries not to eat.  He settled on duck confit.

Above, outside the restaurant.  La Cave a' Jojo.

One side of the menu, on a chalkboard above the bar, we had the 4th thing listed as an appetizer.

The entree side of the menu.  Toward the bottom was my choice, the reason we ate there. 

Our appetizer:  Embeure'e de Roquefort.  Bread with a cheese spread.  Goooooood.

Hubby's entree:  Confit de canard.  Duck confit, with white beans, salad and more.

My entree, one of my favorite foods on the trip:  Tourte aux Legumes.  Vegetable tort. 

I wish I'd paid more attention to what was in my tort.  I remember olives, which make everything better, but the whole taste was just spectacular.

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