
Sunday, March 20, 2011


I'm too tired to write much, but this morning's run was solid!  So happy to report that.  Whatever was wrong with my calf may have just been a temporary strain from some high mileage. 

We had 8 miles easy, 7 miles race pace, and then 2 miles easy.  Felt good the whole time, though I was definitely getting tired toward the end.

I tried a new recovery drink and drank 2 of them.  G3 Pro.  Then I looked at the calories.  I'd guess that I burned about 1700 calories on the run today, and drinking two of those meant I just consumed over 800!  Wow.  Good thing I'm not meeting hubby today to gorge on Mex food. 

I'm home now and too tired to even go shower.  I feel like I've been hit by a truck.  Can barely keep my eyes open.  So glad there's time in the schedule for a nap today!!  It's going to happen in about 2 minutes...

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