
Saturday, March 19, 2011

All good!

So I've been afraid of jinxing myself, but I think whatever awful stuff was happening in my left calf may be getting worked out.  I've been trying to RICE. 

R = rest.  Pain started late in the run Sunday, took scheduled rest Monday, severe pain Tues so I cut that run very short (did about 3-4 instead of 9-10).  No running on Wed (missed 8 on the schedule) but did some core and weights work.  Decided to drive to the track Thurs so did a partial workout (ran 5.5 of 9-10 on the schedule).  Cross-trained on Friday with about a mile of running (an optional 5 on the schedule).  And did the full 8 that were on today's schedule this morning.  And it seems to be okay.  Random twinges of pain at random times (including while sitting perfectly still). 

I = ice.  Iced like crazy morning and evening Sun, Mon, Tues and Wed. 

C = compression.  I bought the compression sleeves that start with a Z, can't remember the brand name.  I have worn them almost constantly except while sleeping since Sunday.  I forgot to wear them to work on Fri, but I met my mom for lunch and she brought them.

E = elevate.  Not so good about this.  Odd, since in earlier years when I had to RICE, I'd tend to mess up on the C.  This year, it's the E.  I've elevated most nights before going to bed, but have stopped the last couple.

Either way, the real test will be tomorrow.  If I can get through a solid 17 miles, I'll be so happy.

Mom is here and we've been having fun.  We played an awesome board game last night.  For anyone who likes board games, I will highly recommend Settlers of Catan.  I'd played it before, but hubby and mamma hadn't, and they thought it was great. 

Tonight we're going to a soccer game that's way out in BFE suburbs.  Not sure why, I guess just because it's something we've never done before.  Should be fun.  Wish I could kidnap her so she wouldn't fly home tomorrow.... 

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