
Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Toys! (a/k/a My Sucky Morning)

I have vented here before about my recent frustration with getting a new garmin that I ordered on Amazon from Beach Camera.

It finally came yesterday!  Yes, more than two weeks after I ordered it.  I held my breath as I opened the box, expecting yet another misdirected order.  Whew, it was my garmin!  I'm so happy to finally have it that it's hard to stay as pissy and irritated as I was.  A few days ago, I was all ready to post some negative feedback on Amazon and tell any other potential customers what a mess they'd made of my order, but I didn't want to do that until I finally had the garmin in my hands.  And just like that, a lot of my ill will toward Beach Camera melted away. 

Unfortunately, there hasn't been time to play with it yet.  I had to leave work early to volunteer (I was helping out with this weekend's race at the running store, distributing numbers and packets when runners came in).  Then I got home and our neighbor came over to watch "Lo Scapolo" (The Bachelor) with me. 

I feel bad about even asking her to watch.  It's such BAD tv.  But it was fun anyway.  And since she speaks Italian as well, there was no need to break my resolution of speaking Italian in the evenings on weekdays on the second floor.

But that meant that when I headed out this morning to run, I was basically messing with the watch for the first time.  I got the heart rate monitor on, but it had never properly linked up with the watch.  And I hit the timer to start my run, but I must have hit something else because it stopped after a mere two seconds and didn't record any of the run.  I tried again for one lap around the block when I got home and it seemed to work, so it was no doubt operator error this morning.

Really looking forward to trying it tomorrow during boot camp.  This watch is supposed to take into account your sex, age and weight, plus elevation, etc. and calculate how many calories you burn during a workout.  It will be very interesting since I don't really have any idea.  I've always heard you burn about 100 calories per mile.  I tried some formula once that was supposed to be more personalized and I think I ended up around 90 calories per mile, but I have no idea if I did that correctly. 

Then I got home and had a disaster occur during breakfast.  We got a new blender for Xmas but I hadn't started using it yet.  This morning I was making my smoothie in our old blender and of course the frozen fruit was all stuck together and the blades were idly processing spinach.  Being the wise woman I am, I poked in a knife, which is usually sufficient to get the fruit to move a little and start getting chopped.

I have no idea what went wrong, but a moment later, the walls, counter, floor and my clothing was covered in green liquid, the glass blender jar was cracked, and the motor was making a shrieking noise.  Lovely.

So I decided to open the box with the new blender, which fortunately my folks had just FedExed and we'd gotten on Monday. 

But of course, I've used our old blender for years, so I made a few inaccurate assumptions.  I used the last of our frozen strawberries, my other normal ingredients, and the last of our soy milk.  I set it on the blender but didn't start it b/c I wanted to clean up the old blender mess a little more before it got too sticky.

A minute or two later, I heard a weird dripping noise from the new blender.  Turns out I needed to really screw the new top on (which I hadn't done).  So the last of our soy milk leaked straight through the motor onto the other counter.  Ugh!  Major frustration.  And of course when I walked over to deal with it, I got liquid all over my second outfit of the morning!  At least I hadn't showered and put on work clothes yet I guess. 

I finally added some juice and used the new blender.  I have to get used to it, but I'm sure it will be fine.  Just a little chunky this morning! 

So overall, this morning kind of sucked.  Neither of my new toys have worked exactly as planned, but at least I have them and I have faith that they'll work tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Ack! I hate times like this. Sorry you had to go through this. I hope you have lots of fun with your Garmin. I used mine twice so far this week and it is fun to know exactly what's happening.
