
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sore Feet

I think my feet/ankles are getting more sore.  Last night they hurt while we were sitting on the couch watching a movie (incidentally, we're now halfway through A Bridge Too Far and it's awesome, can't believe I'd never seen it).  I had my feet on hubby's lap and all of a sudden it was like there was a throbbing pain in my heels.  Today they hurt a lot for about the first 30 seconds I was awake and moving around, and even kind of hurt for the first half mile of running or so.  We ran the Baltimore loop today, with 5 strides, and Joy ran with us.  The whole thing felt good once I got going, though I lagged a bit on a couple of the strides.  We ran 6.6 and averaged 8:44s, counting the water stops, but both of them were pretty short.  I should have asked Joy about watched the fireworks Sat night but I forgot -- will have to do that tomorrow.  Anyway, I was walking a cooldown with Joy, David and Kirin, and we'd just started, and Giddy ran and caught up with us.  We walked and talked with her for about 2 minutes and she said it had already exceeded all the conversation that occurred with her group during the full 6 miles.  I'm so glad I'm pushing the pace a little during the week -- it's worth it to run with people I know and like so much.  I like the people in the other group, but that early in the morning, I'd rather have conversation to keep me going. 

I'm leaning toward running with the group on Saturday instead of doing the 10k.  Just don't think there's much chance of running 7:30-7:45s, and don't want to run in the heat.  Maybe I'll volunteer instead.  That would be nice, if I could make it there quickly enough after my run. 

Also, checked airfares yesterday for MTCM and I'm kicking myself for not buying the tickets a few weeks ago.  Last time I'd checked (and even put a reservation on hold), it was about $500 for both of us.  Yesterday, $700.  Oops.  The problem is definitely the return flight.  If we came home Sunday morning, we could still do it for about $500.  But flying out Sunday afternoon/night or anytime Monday means an extra $100 per ticket.  Anyway, the AC is waiting until Friday to do his 10 mile registration.  So this weekend I should make some final choices and get the tickets.  We might get stuck on AirTran and have a connection, both of which are potential trouble. 

Oh, and I gave this blog address to someone for the first time yesterday.  Hi Kathleen, if you're reading.  Insanely boring, I know.  I'm going to have to figure out how to do a list of links on the side.  My fave blogs will now be Kathleen's, of course, 26.2ers, Bella's, Newly Veg, Celery, and Tricia's.  There are probably others too, but those are the ones that come to mind. 

Also yesterday I got an email from one of the people Jennifer put me in touch with about White Sands.  He ran it heavy and was aiming for sub-7, and was thrilled to come in at 6:30 exactly.  Sounds scary but inspirational and wonderful.  Postponing any decision on that until about Xmas.


  1. I'm glad you decided to write a blog (although it sounds like you write content for another one that you're not the author of). Never apologize for your writing or what others might think of the content - the blog is for you, so use it as you wish and those who want to read it will.

  2. So curious about someone who writes with the same tone. Anyway, thanks for my first comment Bella!
