
Friday, July 2, 2010

Almost Zero Miles

Today's schedule was off (long run tomorrow instead of Sun b/c of the holiday) but we went to camp.  Not feeling great either b/c of a friend's "Canada Day" party last night where I made horrible food and alcohol choices.  Only had one drink I suppose (but I sadly love those mini cream puffs, and also had a cupcake (or two)), but ugh, slow going today.  So at camp we didn't have to run much, which was nice.  We did 8 rounds of short sprints (about 8 seconds each), in two separate sets, and then a bit of other random running around the parking lot, but I'd say less than a mile by a long shot. 

Definitely not racing tomorrow I've decided, and probably not volunteering at the race either.  Our schedule is 14, and I'm going to add 1.5-2 at the end, so even though we'll start at 5:30, I wouldn't definitely be finished in time to be somewhere by 8.  Anyway, it will also give me more time during the day tomorrow to make something for the wives' association potluck before the big fireworks show tomorrow night.  And Joy and her husband are meeting us there for the potluck (it will be the first time I've met him), and then they'll stay for the fireworks while the AC goes home after dinner.  Should be a fun night! 

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