
Monday, June 15, 2015

The Reorg

We have a small guest bedroom on the first floor.  It also kind of serves as an office we don't use, a general dumping ground for clutter (think lots of AG awards (now old ones)), and my husband's dressing room (he uses that room's closet).

Last weekend we finally rearranged it so it looks much neater and more spacious when you walk past it.

As seen from the hallway:


So for a vast majority of people who come to our house, that photo above is all they'll see of it.

For anyone who actually goes into the room, it's roughly an equal amount of mess, but in a better arrangement with less wasted space. 

From inside the room:


In other news, I got a huge blister (half-dollar sized?) on my right heel during yesterday's "long" run (12 miles).  It popped at some point during the run but it is insanely painful now.  No idea how it happened.  No new shoes or socks. 


  1. Have you ever used those blister bandaids? Recent discovery that I can't live without now. Why must our feet take such a beating because of running? I am in dire need of a pedicure, but I'm afraid that one toenail is just hanging on for dear life!

    Great job on the room!

    1. Yesterday's blister bandaid did not work -- too much Neosporin for it to stick, plus a big loose flap of skin. This morning it was finally less painful so I begged my husband to cut the flap of skin off (both because it was too disgusting for me and because it's on the outside of my right heel and I'm right handed and just don't bend any way that would make it feasible for me to do it). I put a new one on after that and hopefully it will work its magic. I'm so glad I got a pedicure in San Fran with my sis-in-law since I have to wear open-heeled shoes for work today!

  2. Did you change bed size? Looks like a queen in one and twin in the other? We could use to do that for our guest room as the massive bed dominates the room :) But since we really just use it for people who sleep over, no biggie ...

    I like the re-arrangement, though - because it makes a big visual difference, and that actually matters.

    Ugh on the blister! Sounds painful!

    1. Nope, it's a full bed, which is okay. I'd kind of rather get a queen since that's more comfortable for 2 guests and we have more options in queen sheets, but since the bed is occupied by 2 people for about 10 nights a year, it makes sense to keep it as a full and have the extra space.
      The blister seems especially miserable since it's been years maybe since my last one... But since it's popped, hopefully it will heal quickly now!

    2. Funny how the change in perspective alters the apparent size of the bed! :)

  3. Thanks or posting pictures! What a difference. Even inside, it feels much cleaner & organized. I actually channeled your productivity this past weekend & did all sorts of things I've been putting off, like vacuuming out & cleaning my car.

  4. It's amazing how much difference rearranging things can make. I used to rearrange my room all the time as a kid.
