
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Eye Status

Apparently my eye is rejecting some contacts.  All of a sudden a couple weeks ago, one of my eyes started getting blood red and my contact hurt.  I posted about it before, but basically, I tried another pair of contacts, same thing.  Went to the eye doctor, got a new prescription, then after a couple days, same thing.  Went to DC with a horribly red eye and my glasses. 

Because I'm vain, I tried yet another pair of contacts for the big reunion event Saturday night.  I made it through dinner, but by the time we got back to the law school for dancing and open bar, I had to take it out because it was turning red.  (I opted to wear one contact and have weird vision instead of putting on my glasses.) 

Finally, this past Tuesday, my eye was clear again and I tried another pair. 

And now, Sunday morning, I'm still wearing that pair and my eye is totally clear.  I guess I've finally found a brand that works -- or whatever allergen was getting me is gone.  Or whatever scratch kept getting aggravated is healed.  Either way, it works.

The three worst things about it all:

1.  Having a very red eye.  Everyone noticed.  I looked ridiculous. 
2.  Wearing glasses while running.  Major fear of tripping because I couldn't see directly in front of me (gap between bottom of glasses and bottom of eyesight range).
3.  No sunglasses, particularly while driving, since I had to wear my glasses and don't own prescription sunglasses. 

And what's funny is that now that I'm finally able to wear contacts (and sunglasses), this was the forecast looking ahead on Thursday morning: 

Haha.  Irony. 
Especially since Dallas is one of the sunniest places ever and we never seem to have more than about two rainy days in a row. 


  1. Glad you figured it out! I actually like my glasses and would wear them more but for the lack of sunglasses issue since I also don't have prescription sunglasses. Trying to drive in bright sunlight without sunglasses is the worst.

    1. I actually think the worst is trying to drive in bright light without sunglasses when one eye is already watery, painful, red and light-sensitive! I honestly think I might financially prioritize lasic this year (the original fun money was going to go for a bike).

  2. Weird. But at least you figured it out.

    1. I was pretty maxed out on looking like I'd had a crazy rough night...

  3. Whew - glad you have made some progress, and I think the 'vanity' part is funny.

    I don't wear glasses, so it is weird for me, but my wife has had them since she was little. She did contacts for a while but even with all the types she never really found anything that worked for her eyes, and then with astigmatism and sloped corneas and bifocals ... you get the picture.

    Eventually she gave up - but before she did she would definitely sacrifice comfort and vision for vanity :)

    1. When I put on my glasses at home, I frequently say to my husband "boys don't make passes at girls who wear glasses." Deeply ingrained I guess, but you, my husband, and obviously plenty of other guys prove that's not true.

  4. Oh also - funny on the weather forecast! I didn't know it when we came to Corning, but apparently this region is in a 'competition' for most days with cloud/rain/no sun with the Pacific Northwest. Personally I don't think it is any worse than the Boston area, but who knows ... :)

    1. That just might kill me. Unless I'm running, love the sun!

  5. so glad your eye is better, but haha about the ironic weather forecast. that just seems to be how it goes, doesn't it?
